The original 87110-47230 failed and I have access to a 87110-47081. Is the white m13 connector physically the same shape and will readily fit into the 081? Will any damage occur by plugging everything into the 081 without modifying any of the wiring? Also if the car was never turned on? Any input is greatly appreciated
@ChapmanF probably has the answer. Many posts about the need to match part numbers in PC. Also even if the new one is not compatible hold on to it and trade it for one that is.
Member ITBland did a lot of work figuring out things like and posted in this thread, among others: Will 86110-47230 work instead of 86110-47081 in 2005 Base Model | Post #2
Yes, Ive read that one thread and a few others. Learned alot recently. The reason for this thread is that I sold an 081 online to someone who intended to use it in place of their 230. Now they want to return it for a full refund. Now that I don’t have the car the 081 was pulled from; I have no way to test all the functions in time for when the refund will be due. I feel that just plugging in the unit without turning the car on will damage the 081. Buyer claims to never have plugged in the m13 connector at all, due to it not fitting. I have only read one post where a 2009 m13 connector will not fit the 081, so I believe he said that because something bad happened, if he just thought the 081 would be a plug n play replacement for his 230 and now wants me to pay for his likely error.
@TMR-JWAP has harnesses for the two styles so he can bench test that they at least power up, so could likely direct you to which pins to apply power so you could at least test that.
NOTE: The 47081 is a downgrade! It has lower resolution and does not support rear camera. No bluetooth etc ... The connector is the same but not pin-pin compatible, there are about 6 wires that have to be moved. Look up MFD upgrade, there is a list/diagram in the posts. Best to find another 47230...big can of worms... I upgraded from a 47081 to a 47210. Also upgraded the right/left side instrument cluster. Had to remove and dump the ODO eeprom. Texas Hybrid converted the data. Then I flashed the eeprom and reinstalled it. Also upgraded the capacitors that tend to fail in the cluster display while it was apart.
Photos of my test plugs. As you can probably see on the white tag attached to the 47230 model, I accidentally plugged in the 47081 test plug and the 47230 popped and smoked. I plugged it in and then connected the clamps to a 12v battery, and poof, lol. I have not yet mistakenly plugged in the other way (230 plug into a 081 socket, so I'm not sure if it will also pop and smoke). I've included photos that show the test plug along with the oem harness on each model. You can see the wire colors are the same between models but locations of the wires are different. More than one wire gets power, so all the wires that need + are clipped together and all the ones that need - are clipped together. Don't know why the photos rotated, but also don't know how to correct it. Sry about any future neck aches, lol.. 47081---green, black, gray, yellow (+) and brown, white with black stripe are (-) 47230---green, black, yellow, gray are (+) and brown, white are (-)
Keep in mind, that the plug I use to power up each MFD is 100% physically able to plug into the other model, but as far as I know, if no power is applied, there should be no problem. The middle plug/socket on each model is 100% NOT able to plug into the other model. There is a huge size difference in those plugs. So, if the customer had the car turned off to pull the dash apart, they probably realized they screwed up when they tried to plug in the middle one. At that point, they likely gave up and backed out of the swap job. If so, it's likely power was never applied to it.
Ok, I had them confused. He did in fact only plug in the m13 connector. But the one next to it does not fit. Sorry about that. I agree with you and assume no harm was done. Was checking in here for everyone’s more experienced opinions, as I am not very familiar with working on these units. Also have concerns that power may still be applied to some pins even with the car off, since these cars are very complex and do perform some systems checks while the car is off. As long as the 12v is connected; I feel anything is possible. It seems after everyone’s inputs; I should have no problem reselling the unit again, as tested and fully functional? Also grant him a full refund as no harm was possibly done? Thanks for the info so far everyone! I very much appreciate the help
Well the unit is back and it still powers up fine. Thats all I can check. I would assume everything else is still in the same working condition
Very likely in the same condition as when you shipped it. When they go poof, they really go poof and nothing works.
I just started another thread for a gen 3, dc output low circuit. P0A09. If you have any interest in helping. Thanks again for all the info!
I wish I could give you some advice, but I have practically zero experience with the Gen 3s, other than building some HV batteries. all my exp is the Gen 2 and some Gen 1.
It all depends on what failed, most likely if you don't have the dreaded screen fog, its not hard at all to replace the boards inside the unit, I have 3, one nav, one no nav, and one JBL nav.. all share basically the same power boards and LCD exciter.. I got lucky and found a couple "dead" units at local yards and scrapped for parts and bezels.. I was able to fix 2/3 with just swapping the power board, unfortunately my main board for the 30 was unable to pretend to have a chance.. the 81 is definitely different and is not a match in a couple ways..