So This Happened Yesterday Night and it was BADDDD NEWS BEars

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by GoliathMV, Feb 26, 2022.

  1. Mdv55

    Mdv55 Active Member

    Dec 25, 2018
    2011 Prius
    Not really. This is PC. Everything is related to oil burning, a head gasket or EGR! Did you install a catch can yet :D
  2. GoliathMV

    GoliathMV Member

    May 18, 2018
    New York
    2010 Prius
    So its been about two Weeks of this OLE Girl sitting in NYC cold scared and 12 years later still the best dang Hybrid in the world. So I got some content for you guys. I decided to take the deep dive and go multiple nights without sleeps and listening to every YouTuber you could imaging. My father has even got into sending me links to videos that lead to professors and Toyota experts. I decided the battery code p3000 is the module so thats the problem that needs to be removed. I pulled the entire sucker out and have been running test on it with my multimeter and have confirmed the same 9 modules DR.Prius said died are all below 5.9V. A good battery module in a 2010 Prius should be 7.5V. I was thinking about just reconditioning the modules and putting the entire battery back together again but I recall some nights forgetting to turn the car off. Nights sleeping in the car and running the heat for 8 hours or more. Nights of just sitting in the car and thinking. I mean this car is more like a mobile office than a car lets be honest so the mileage is not the problem and I think I just made up my mind on what im going to do. New shiny 7.5V battery modules here I come. I will also be cleaning my bus ports as they are just nasty looking with corrosion. I just wanted to let all of you know without your brains and replies I wouldn't be standing over the main traction battery looking down at 28 modules thinking I understand the failures and can rebuild the Millenium Falcon known as the Prius I got options and Toyota really left behind the single most impressive transportation vehicle I think the world will soon forget because of EV's running lithium and non-combustibles. The Prius will ultimately become a relic of a niche market of owners who wanted to save money at the pump and also contribute to better climate changes. I think we got something much more for my long standing owners don't ever give up on this girl cause she will teach you some things that will create a better world outside the Prius. My next undertaking is going to be Solar and alternative uses for my old Prius Modules. I am thinking early stage solar trickle charging the lower Voltage modules.

    And for some pictures

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