Just got Dr Prius going for the first time and here’s a screen shot. Of course the green bars go up and down a lot, but they all read 15.8 so that’s good. But what’s up with the blue bar on cell #1? 24milliohm resistance seems like a small number, and the other cells are reading NO resistance at all. Thoughts?
One Dr. Prius thing I'm not wild about is the way it crops its bar charts so they don't start at zero, and that makes tiny differences between blocks look yuuge. My grade school teacher would have raked me over the coals for drawing charts that way. Bars that really showed the difference between 23 somethings and 24 somethings would look very different.
I’ve doing a bit of research now and it seems like 23 (and one 24) milliohms is like a “middle aged” value. Like they are 13 when new, and 30 and above will make dr Prius turn red with anger lol. So I guess I’m normal. 120,000 miles so far. And all the blocks have similar resistance
I don't think I've ever seen 13, but then I've never bought a Prius new, so maybe it serves me right.
Note that the "23 milliohms" is for two Modules (12 NiMh cells) in series so that is about 12-13 milliohms per module. JeffD
Those aren't good measures... I will always argue that "Voltage Diff" is the best number to monitor if you want to know when your pack is going to have problems. Currently you're at 0.07v difference and that's super healthy... Once that number gets up to 0.40v on occassion that's when you need to think about doing pack maintenance/module or pack replacement.