If you go to http://xmradio.com/lineup/ you can click on a link to the pdf http://xmradio.com/pdf/new_lineup.pdf of the new lineup of channels. On Feb. 1 they made several changes, added a couple of channels, and all the music channels went commercial free. I guess anyone who has XM already knows this, but maybe someone didn't and it was fresh on my mind after I went there and printed out the new lineup card for my Prius. I made not of the new MSNBC channel...I'll have to check it out...I usually listen to CNN (Fox is just a tad too Right Wing for my blood), but MSNBC might be a good alternative.
Evan: So you noticed the Murdockvirus thing on Fox, too? CNN is just barely watchable. they both seem think Cheney and Rove and Scalia are saints. Ah, well...gosh, maybe they are, and pretty soon, monkeys are going to fly out of.............- well, you know where from. MSNBC. Yep. A little less Janet Jackson, a little more important news. Too bad NPR doesn't have a 7x24 video service. We try to catch BBC TV World New when we can. Regards, Bob
It seems many Prius owners, let's say, "lean a little to the left." Am I the only "tilted a bit to the right" Prius owner? (If so, don't hold it against me.)
I bet we could work out a 'special' alignment job for you...but I think "W" is going to do that job for all of us!! WARNING: Major Political Digression Follows You know what, I'm the quintesential guy who oughta be a right winger (Wealthiest 10%, physician, Southerner (debatable, but go with it), hate people living off the dole (my hard earned 40% going to taxes), own several guns and totally support the 2nd amendment), but the extremeism of the republicans scares the bejesus out of me. This Patriot Act thing---good God, has ANYONE read George Orwell's Animal Farm? Can you say sell your soul to the devil. Fortunately the Federal Courts are going to disassemble the thing, or so it appears. And now 'W' wants a constitutional amendment that reflects his moral prejudice against a specific group of people--funny, I thought the US was founded on the beliefs that specific groups should not be persecuted. And did we learn nothing from Women's Sufferage or the Civil Rights movement--what today are held as inarguable scientific facts ("blacks are inferior or stupid or whatever") are later show to be blatent prejudice in disguise. What do we think this is? gotta get off this soap box--I'm really sorry guys---I loved Reagan, really, not always 100% in line with his politics, but I didn't see him out there taking away many of my civil rights. But "W" is scary. As a moderator I should tell myself to take this to the open forum now...if anyone wants to respond lets move it. I really didn't want to start anything, but I can't make myself erase it and I don't want to tell anyone they can't respond to that stack of left wing dung!
A Special Alignment! Just for me? Let me think about that...hmmmmmmm, no thanks. I think there is left wing dung as well as right wing dung. Can't we meet somewhere in the middle? Let's say, somewhere between the piles of dung? FYI: I've worked all my life and still barely scratch by. You would think I would desire to be "on the public dole". But I have no interest in that. I'll make it just fine on my own. As for our civil liberties? Those bastards that attacked ALL OF US on 9-11 must be stopped, before they get us again. I don't mind giving up some civil liberties, if that's what it takes to protect our lives and our country from those who would destroy us and EVERYTHING we have. The reality is that terrorism in this world still goes on, still targets this country. Yet if you listen to the mainstream press and the Democratic Party's portrayal of reality, you will get a picture that is exactly 180-degrees out of phase. Now that I've vented a bit, I promise no more political rants from this Prius owner. Of course, I will continue to rant and rave about my 2004 Prius! If I ever get XM radio, no doubt I'll rave about that. But I will not have NPR as one of my presets.
You'll find quite a few right and left-wingers over in this topic. "You know the Nazis made the Jews wear flair..." Not sure why that came to mind, but it just did Back on topic, though...Channel 16 is the new Country station - like a Country Hits station - it's about time they did one of these as I enjoy listening to country every once in a while (along with just about every other genre).
XM is awesome. Highway 16 is excellent. Although, I've figured out that their programming stretch is four hours. After about that long, you start to hear the same stuff over again. It's not nearly as bad as commercial radio though. The Fungus channel doesn't do anythig for me. My two favs are Top Trax and Squizz. This mornging was spent listening to Hanks Place. As for political leanings, I'm Libertarian, and would love nothing more than to see government go back to the very basic structure that it originally was. No welfare, no tax penalties for success, no shoving our "strategic interests" down other countries throats. With all of the anti American semitism out there, I woudn't have the slightest problem yanking all of the "assistance" that we give other countries either. As for taxes that would remiain intact, I'd like to see the money put to use for the purpose of which it was collected for, i.e. gas taxes paying for roads, and national park fees staying in the park system. This country was a lot stronger before the government got so obese. Efusco, I love the "Animal Farm" reference. It pretty much paints the republicrats perfectly.
Do any of you guys know if its possible to get the local NOAA weather radio station(s) on XM? If so, I may be a convert also Thanks!
http://xmradio.com/traffic/index.jsp Introducing Instant Traffic & Weather (Beginning March 1, 2004) Powered by Traffic Pulse and The Weather Channel, XM Instant Traffic & Weather will offer listeners in-depth, up-to-date information about road and weather conditions in 21 major metropolitan markets plus several interstate corridors nationwide. Forget about waiting for traffic updates. XM Instant Traffic & Weather provides constant traffic and weather conditions, with continuous, real-time updates. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing greater detail and more frequent updates than available elsewhere on the radio. XM Instant Traffic & Weather. Radio to the Power of X. Tune to any of the available XM Instant Traffic & Weather market channels for the most comprehensive, on-demand traffic and weather updates. The first 15 metropolitan markets will launch March 1, 2004. 100% Commercial-Free Music and XM Instant Traffic & Weather will be included as part of XM's $9.99 basic monthly service fee. Channel Metro Area Sample Stream Channel Metro Area Sample Stream 210 Boston, MA* Sample 221 San Francisco Sample 211 New York, NY Sample 222 Los Angeles Sample 212 Philadelphia, PA Sample 223 San Diego, CA** Sample 213 Baltimore, MD Sample 224 Phoenix Sample 214 Washington, DC Sample 225 Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX Sample 215 Pittsburgh, PA Sample 226 Houston, TX Sample 216 Detroit, MI Sample 227 Atlanta, GA** Sample 217 Chicago, IL Sample 228 Tampa, FL Sample 218 St. Louis, MO Sample 229 Orlando, FL Sample 219 Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN** Sample 230 Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, FL** Sample 220 Seattle, WA** Sample All metro areas listed above available March 1, 2004, except where noted. * Available April 1, 2004 ** Available later in 2004
As far as the mention of news channels go - BBC World news is also available on XM as well (I switched over to it as my 'main' news feed on XM before the Iraqi invasion). Just an FYI. -m.
Not that I'd call that a reliable source...you heard that their CEO resigned over the accusations the BBC completely fabricated about Tony Blair regarding the Iraq thing? They've got some pretty left wing agendas too. But I agree, it's fun to hear what they talk about on the other side of the 'pond'.
No, there is no NOAA weather radio. The Weather Channel does have a feed on XM though. It came in quite handy on a quick trip to Iowa and back on Feb. 2nd (after work). I was literally racing a winter storm home. I drove 1200 miles on Feb. 3rd before finally being forced out of the truck due to extreme back and leg pain from lack of movement. :crazyeyes: