I've got a 2018 HyCam that they will give me within 5k of what I paid in trade prompting me to check out the new version. It seems like they took the already ugly front end and made it even worse! Why?
their designers have poor taste. some will tell you they wanted a distinctive easily identifiable feature, so they went with jimmy durante
Could be worse - check out BMWs, Hyundais and even WORSER ... other TOYOTAs called LEXUS. Make a 2016 PRIUS look great:
It's a lot easier for me to get used to an ugly car than it is for me to get used to an ugly (inconsiderate) driver.
Yeah it looks better. I still find it maddening though: these supposedly practical/aerodynamic principals driving their design, and they keep affixing these garish/purposeless "ports" on the corners.