Hello, I just hit 120K. I am getting ready to change the plugs as soon as it gets a bit warmer here. What other maintenance items should be done along with the plugs? In what order should they be performed? I am fairly handy and hate taking my car to a mechanic unless I really need to. Thanks for any advice!
Does anyone have any opinions about throwing in a can of Gum out tune-up into fuel tank, and putting in the suggested amount in the oil, before changing the plugs and cleaning EGR system?
Generally Prius is very easy on engine oil. I have sent samples out to Blackstone Labs with 10,000 and 15,000 miles on the engine oil (which still was translucent!) and the report came in with the engine oil having some life left still. I would not throw any additives into the oil, unless the engine was neglected. You just dont need solvents in the crankcase potentially compromising the seals on an aging engine. DO, however, feel free to run a fuel injection/fuel system cleaner with P.E.A. (Gumout Regane comes to mind, as well as Chevron with Techron fuel additive), which is proven to actually work, once every oil change interval (5,000 or 10,000 miles; whichever you adhere to). Basically, adding anything before cleaning the EGR and plugs will not make a big enough difference to make your job any easier. Its likely that your EGR circuit will be cakey, and your plugs will look somewhat worn, if not previously replaced.
Won't hurt. Probably won't help much either..... Good luck with the maintenance! If you clean out the intake and EGR and get the plugs changed, then you will have avoided the ALC (widowmaker) of Prius maladies....and you will probably be able to knock out another 120k. As mentioned above, while you're down for maintenance, consider changing out the transaxle fluid. Maybe the coolants as well........ Keep us posted!
One more thing, as I was looking around the engine compartment I noticed a little light coating of what I think is oil above the pulley, maybe coming from just above what looks like a switch but don't notice any leakage below this area, please see attached photo. Any ideas what may be leaking? I had a 2003 Corolla with 240,000 miles and never saw any leaks or wetness.
Timing chain cover gasket leak? If so it's like an elevated PSA. Monitor for a change or worsening of symptoms.
Timing chain tensioner? Others are more familiar with that zone, but that gizmo is in that vicinity, and has been known to leak.