So even out in the boonies where I live we're seeing some ChargePoint (and equivalent) charging stations coming online the last year or two. Our state utility has even underwritten a few. The problem: the $2 minimum per charge. The normal rate isn't too unreasonable (.50/hr during the day when I charge), so I'd be looking at only .79/charge if there was no minimum. With the minimum, I'm paying about 80cents/kwh, compared to 11 or so at home. And at that rate, the approx cost per mile is even higher than gas. I realize these stations aren't being built with our type of vehicle in mind, but still...seems the underlying rationale is to reduce overall gasoline shouldn't the pricing structure incentive that? 'Just curious whether anyone was successful in convincing a provider to reduce the minimum charge? Even $1 min (which I see on some of the ChargePoint stations) would make this a much more reasonable situation. And yes I know you're not driving PiP for the $$$ savings, but still... Another reason I'm curious about this is that my employer (public community college) will be installing one of these in the next few months. It won't be paying anything (state utility is), and I'd like to convince them to have no or a $1 minimum charge. So I'd like to have some good arguments ready for that.
First, you'd need to know why some site owners charge $1 minimum and some charge 2. Than you'd have to understand the agreements between the site owner - your CC, the utility paying for the install and the contractor installing the unit. Think of it in terms or you installing a unit for public use as your home.
A supermarket in our area recently installed two Charge Point stations using a great format: you must log in (via smart phone) but the first two hours are free. This is great, as another charge area in town is free but attracts moochers who plug in and leave their vehicles unattended for extended periods of time. Almost as bad as being ICED out by gas squatters.