I just picked up a 2010 certified prius 5, and when I was sitting at the light happened to read the sticker on the window and it said toyota vip remote engine starter. I only got one key fob with the car and it didn't have a remote start on it. I guess my question is how do I tell if it's installed and where can I get a key fob to use it? Is it worth getting it and I'm sure it needs to be programmed too. Or is there a certain button combo to use on my standard lock/unlock/panic key fob? TIA
don't know anything about remote starters, but one thing i do know, if you paid for a certified prius from a toyota dealer, you should get two key fobs. before you lose it, go back and demand the secod one, they're worth unto $400. all the best.
With the vehicle parked and locked; press the fob lock key 3 consecutive times from 10 ft away. If the RES is activated, the engine should start.
With mine, it's two quick presses of the LOCK button then press and hold LOCK until the car beeps again. It should auto-start.
My 2010 solar roof model has the remote start stickers on both front windows, but when I click the lock button twice then press and hold a third time, nothing happens. Tried several times. Went to my local Santa Fe Toyota dealer, and was told by the service department guy to perform that operation on the unlock button. Right... So much for the expertise of those guys. Anyone know of anything else I can check? Everything else on the car is working great.
Update: Finally got it to work. Turned out, I was waiting too long between clicks (waited until after it had finished its beeps and flashes, then clicked again). By clicking three times quickly and holding on the third click for about three seconds, it beeped, flashed twice and the engine started. For the first few seconds, the parking lights flashed continuously, then stopped flashing while the engine kept running. Yay!