Will be going to the big City tomorrow and inevitability may come across parking with a valet. Always threw them the keys in the past, but wondering what you do with a Prius. Do you just hand over the fob? Am a bit concerned about this for several reasons. One, it's value, and second, making sure whoever is parking the car knows how to drive/park a Prius. Would appreciate info from anyone with experience on this. Thanks!
i do, but i don't like it. i haven't had a problem yet, but i have the same apprehension as you. hybrids have been around long enough, and more and more cars are getting push button start, but you never know when you might run into a rookie. that being said, i don't like valet's to begin with. i would rather park down the street and walk if possible. usually in boston, you can find self parking. new york is sometimes more difficult, depends where you're going.
Will be going to Bean Town. You're right, it does have a lot of self parking. Not sure if where I'm going there will be. I'll check into it. Thanks.
I was concerned with my first in 2005 but as stated, push button and hybrids are very mainstream now. Never had a problem valeting the past 10 years.
I'm sure all Valet's now know how to drive a Prius properly. I would however put a really large keychain on the FOB, make sure they don't drop it and lose it.
Just don't disable the smart key system (it will likely take them a while to realize they need to put the fob up to the starter), and make sure the car has enough gas in case they forget to turn it off so it has enough to cycle to keep the battery levels up. Alternatively if you don't mind the hassle, you could park somewhere a bit further away and take the T to make it easier with parking and traffic.
I have not had a valet in downtown Chicago to park a Prius but I have had them to park a regular car. I suspected they give cars very rough treatment. I watched a clip on a Chicago TV station and they showed hidden camera video of the rough treatment they give cars. I have not let a valet park my car since and I hope I never have to. They treat the cars very bad.
Well, I shouldn't mention this, but I can't resist. Lo these decades ago, my father-in-law drove his Lincoln up to a nice restaurant in the Detroit area. The Valet parking guy took the keys and my father and mother in-law went in for a nice dinner. It wasn't until they got out of the restaurant that they found out that the restaurant didn't have valet parking.. But there were enterprising car thieves operating in the area! KBeck.
OUCH!!! Man, that must have hurt. Well, went to the big city and feed the meter. No problems. And, with a round trip of more than 200 miles, including getting in, and out, of said city, I averaged 58 mpg going & 60 mpg coming back. Going I used cruise control most of the time, coming back I took control. On the turnpike I averaged about 60 mph. Am liking this car very much.
What a cruel thing to happen to your father-in-law. Thank you for mentioning that. That should be a good lesson for all of us. We should always check first. I did check first when I left mine at a nice restaurant in downtown Chicago. I left a Garmin GPS locked in the trunk. It was mounted on a Garmin bean bag mount. When I picked up the car I looked in the trunk and the bean bag mount with the GPS was turned over. I figured the car had some rough treatment because those things don't turn over easy. I'll do everything I can not to leave a car with a valet after that.
I don't like valets at all, and never have used them, never will. Two reasons: - I sure as heck won't entrust my baby to a complete stranger that may likely abuse it, ding it, or damage it in any other manner. There are too many horror stories of valets outright abusing cars. - There are thieves posing as valets. Besides, only entitled idiots use valets because they like to feel pompous and powerful. I would much rather park the car myself and walk an extra distance if I have to, period.