Hoping someone can help, the black rubber strip on top of front windshield that is called a Front Moonroof Molding/ also called Sunroof Trim has fallen off my 2011 Prius. It's about 4 ft long X 3/4 "got weathered by sun, is cracked, fell out. Has anyone had this happen, replaced it, as Toyota referred me to auto glass companies, that want to remove front windshield in order to replace it, which means the windshield will probably crack and will also have to be replaced. Hoping someone has done this without removing windshield, as this seems excessive, costly. Trim part is 63215-47010. Appreciate any help on this.
You've said both "moonroof" and "windshield" in your post, so that I'm not completely sure I'm following. The part number you've given goes with the moonroof, shown as 63215G here: I do not think the windshield needs to be touched for that. The procedure shown in the repair manual (more info) does not show any involvement of the windshield. It does, however, show just a complete disassembly procedure, which includes removing even the solar panel before getting to the moldings. I have no idea whether all of that is really necessary just to replace the molding in front. If it were mine, I think I would turn to that repair manual section, go through the earliest steps of getting the movable glass out, and then see what could be done with the molding. The solar panel is stuck on with adhesive the same way the windshield is, so that would be the same kind of big operation as a windshield if it had to be removed. Maybe that's what the glass companies were getting at? Keep in mind that if the whole-nine-yards removal procedure in the manual is followed, all of the molding pieces shown above with the "non-reusable part" dot would normally be replaced with new.
Thank you for your reply, I added some pics to show part and where it goes, but just got back from another auto glass place and he confirmed windshield removal plus solar panel removal just to install this one piece of rubber trim, also said windshield may crack so close or more than $500. I'll look at the info link you shared, appreciate it, I may just leave it as is, as the cost is prohibitive and I'm not much a do it yourselfer for something like this. Seems so absurd for 3/4" of 4 ft. rubber trim, auto glass guy said it's cosmetic and since we don't have much rain here, may have to leave it, even though looks terrible.
Hello. I just had the same thing happen to me with the same part of the rubber molding. I happened to go to a new carwash and I think the pressure from the sprayed water broke this but I'm pretty sure it was deteriorated alittle from the sun too. I've been looking everywhere to see how I can replace this myself. Did you ever find a resolution?
IMG_3812[1] by fredp123 posted Jul 1, 2024 at 12:00 PM I ordered this replacement from a Toyota dealer in Richmond, VA. Cost $93 shipped. I didn't have to remove the windshield to replace. The new part has "wings" that slip under the front part of the moon roof that tilts up. It wasn't easy to get out or to clean out the debris that had accumulated.
Thanks for the part number! I was looking for this part last year and even contacting 2 dealers, I was not able to find the part or at least the part number. What I did was just to buy a 2 inch seal insulation for door. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08131H4ZW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1. But I will buy the right part right now.
Thank you for the part number and common sense where the replacement procedure is less involved than earlier posts. I am thinking opening the moon roof fully first. Then using a plastic scraper, remove the damaged molding being careful to clean the area with rubbing alchohol afterwards. How was the new part affixed? Does it use a self adhesive the accompanies the new part?
I see two hinges holding the air diverter with 4 star bolts. This looks to be how one can access where the rubber molding is affixed to the glass. Can someone confirm this for me please.