Hi there folks. I have been changing my oil using an old quart oil bottle as my fill funnel. The "funnel" has a tendency to flop around which becomes an issue when using a larger multi-quart oil container (e.g. 5qt Moblil 1 0w16). I have found a few funnels online that are for Toyota cars but fitment says they do not fit my 2020 prius prime. Has anyone found a threaded funnel that works with my model? Thanks for any suggestions.
How about an empty 5 quart bottle......cut down, of course. Or visit an auto parts store or two. You might be surprised at what solutions they might suggest. Maybe including an oil filler can, like what has been in use for bulk oil for close to 100 years !!
Unless the Prime has a different 4-cylinder engine than non-Prime (which I doubt), these screw right on...I love it! Visit the Motivx Store on Amazon.
That's a very nice $20 funnel: I just use either a 1/2 gal or one gal. milk jug. Slice it open below the handle, so you can hold onto it if you have to. Bonus, get the screw-on cap jugs, so your not dripping oil everywhere. Also great for stuffing old rags into for future oil change clean-ups.
You don't HAVE to use a threaded funnel except to satisfy an obsession. This site has amazon images blocked. Your "picture" didn't come through.
Offset spout funnels are advantageous. Not sure about 4th gen, but with 3rd the windshield cowl practically overhangs the oil fill hole. What I’m doing, not pretty but it works:
Maybe anyone with an ad-blocker, which is pretty much necessity with this site. FWIW I can't see the pic either. A screen grab from Amazon does an end-run 'round the nonsense.
That looks very similar to mine. I bought it several decades ago at a parts store. It was probably a couple dollars at most. I've used it with equal ease on the Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, and Prime. (And my '98 Nissan diesel pickup, '98 & '99 Camries, old Chevy S10, etc. IIRC.)
Which proves nothing. The way you did it originally posts it in a way that a LOT of users can NOT see anything. It is a "bug" with this site or a side effect of our using an ad blocker......or maybe a combination of both. IF you want everybody to see it, do NOT post things that way. Your choice.
Same as mine.... except in red. I've done it without a funnel too and that's what I call a floppy fit ....
It's a "feature" of the site ... the software recognizes pasted-in Amazon links, and turns them into blobs of JavaScript that turn the victimviewer's web browser into a flashier ad viewer than it is when displaying plain ol' images and links. If you're into that kind of thing. It's those of us who have our browsers set to say "no thank you" to that kind of thing, because we're not into it, who end up not seeing the links. The Amazon link is still there in the post; you can see it if you do View Source, or you can approve JavaScript for the page and get the whole all-singing, all-dancing ball of wax. The person with least responsibility, really, is the poor unsuspecting member who posted the link; they didn't write the forum software that intercepts it and makes JavaScript droppings out of it, and they didn't pick the browser settings of the people who have JavaScript droppings turned off and don't see it. When you're posting, if you use the link-inserting tool at the top of the edit box and add the Amazon link that way, it seems to escape the 'special' treatment, and everybody gets to see it.
That possibility hadn't occurred to me. I always use the link-inserting tool. Here's a test using a random Amazon ite. Let's see what happens. This is a direct paste of the link. Before posting, it is regular black text. And here's one using the tool. Before posting, it is blue text. Edit to add: After posting, the two look the same iin my browser..
Well, rats. The "feature" has been "improved" then? Here's me using the link tool: Ok, that rots. Here's me manually typing a [url] tag: Here goes. I suppose sooner or later they'll "improve" that too.
On Mac Safari with ad blocking disabled, the link too version shows like a picture/link. The "Here Goes" one is a blue text link.