I got a newer engine for my 07 Prius and took it apart to replace a head gasket, timing chain, etc. My question is, when installing g then intake camshaft back, I notice that the camshaft timing gear rotates left and right. First, is that normal? Second, should I install with the gear rotated all the way clockwise or counterclockwise? I did not take the timing gear apart.
IF you didn't remove the VVT actuator / chain sprocket from the intake cam, then you should be able to just line up the colored links on the timing chain with the marks on the sprockets during assembly. You really need to follow the procedure in the service manual. AFAIK, if you hold the camshaft and turn the sprocket clockwise, it should lock when it gets to its "home" position. At least that's what generic VVT instructional documentation states- haven't gone inside a Prius engine before (but have never heard about a non-locking VVT actuator either). Question- why did you pull it apart for the chain and head gasket? The Gen2 really isn't known for problems with either of those things. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
So I finished the job. This Prius camshaft timing gear does not have a locking pin, as shown in the repair manual. It doesn't have a spring for the lock pin, either. All you need to do is make sure when installing the timing gear you rotate it all the way to the most retarded position (clockwise) and install the chain. You will see two dots in the timing gear, one on the plate and one just above the center bolt; just align both of them.
R u sure there is no locking system in prius gen 2 phaser. Cause I have changed mine with lock type ans still I get p0012