Was driving fine then cold snap came,it would not start, thawed and still won't start. Ice is turning over 2 seconds but doesn't catch. Red Triangle, engine light, ABS light on and steering froze stiff Carista & ELM327 will not connect to ECU for Dr Prius & Torque. 12v charged. No visible blown fuses but I assume burnt electrical because just before it died the dash & headlights would go dim and off then on dim then off. Any ideas before I scrap? Who Needs an OEM Cat?
Air Fuel Or Spark? I would check all 3, could be something as stupid as a pump no spark is easy to test as well
Too bad you are in Canadia I would pick up the whole hill locally (always wanted a tax excepted 1st Gen)
Has air fuel and spark and 12.4V. HV charged up, immediately discharges with ignition on start, I assume a power motor short or relay short codes p3000 and p3009 c1259 c1521, power steering was erratic as well. I don't want to put big money into it, guess I'll part it out unless you can think of a simple fix
p3009 is leaking electrolyte from traction battery. Other codes are result of this one, most likely... Would start with traction battery refurb but this is not simple fix for everyone.
You mean copper links between modules? Yes. I bough copper pipe, cut it along, flatten, drilled holes, works fine.
HV battery had 13 bad modules , replaced, works better than ever, just don't know what caused the sudden battery fail. Car is for sale in BC Canada $3000 US or $3700 Cdn, near top of Idaho Handle , I needed a replacement and can't keep 3 cars where I am