I picked up my car today and wanted to see if there are any must read threads. 22 Prius LXE Nightshade Thanks, Chris
Welcome! Come on in, the water's fine. Make use of the Search bar in the upper right corner of the page, and use the More button to filter your search to Generation 4 only or any of the other groups. Way down at the bottom of the list there is Fred's House of Pancakes where the discussions go off-topic but remain quite interesting. Take notice that we are all very civilized here and respect each other, which adds immeasurably to the proper operation and enjoyment of our very fine automobiles. Having this resource is not an excuse however for proper study of your voluminous owners manuals. Cheers, and again, welcome.
Welcome and congrats. Most of us, anyway. There are a couple exceptions, which you'll just have to either endure or ignore. Overall, it's a great atmosphere and there are some REALLY smart people participating. I've learned a bunch. Agreed. The owners manual really adds to your enjoyment of this amazing car. It's actually pretty good bathroom or bedtime reading. Hope you get great smileage.
Welcome - the Owner's Manual (etc) are available for free download from TOYOTA - )not sure about your country, but you could get the Australian or USA one - which are similar).
Yeah, "SEPA" isn't very helpful as a location. Google gave me, "Smart Electric Power Alliance," "Single Euro Payments Area," and "State Environmental Policy Act." (The last item is in the state of Washington.) Makes it hard to give repair shop advice or have any idea how the climate might affect the answer to questions.
She's a sweet ride, congrats! Be sure to do a break-in oil change at around 1,000 miles. (It's not covered in the free 2-year maintenance, unfortunately.) If this is your first hybrid, be sure to read through that 70-page+ owners manual...it's got good info you'll need to know! Find the nearest gas station that sells "Top Tier" gas and make it your favorite....can't beat the good gas in these electronic engines.
@AzWxGuy is correct. I live in southeast Pa. I will clarify it. @Colorado Boo 70 pages? There are 5 books and the longest one has to be 2 inches thick. I think Steve King wrote it. @alanclarkeau is there a link for the manual? Or is it right on the toyota website?
Today I noticed the car dings not long after I start it and head out. Any idea why the car dings? This has been the coldest day I have driven it, 28 degrees.
Normal. It's starting the Petrol Engine (ICE). Colder days it rattles momentarily like any petrol car car starting, but without the sound of the starter motor, that's all you hear.
Oops! He missed a zero. It's more like 700 pages. Here ya go! Manuals & Warranties | Toyota Owners Like a seatbelt chime or something? I think that normally, there's some sort of message to go with the noise. If the dealer has changed it to one beep when it's in reverse and that's when it happens, that could be it. I never get a ding when the ICE starts and, unless you hit the defrost button, it should not start at 28º as long as it's in EV and has available EV range.
Oh you'll hear all kinds of strange noises in the hybrid like the electric motor that runs whenever you first open the driver's door...that's the regenerative brake system pressurizing itself! And what do you think about the strange sounds whenever you back-up or drive slow? That's the passenger warning speaker but hybrid owners have nicknamed it the UFO speaker. There's a YouTube guy, The Car Care Nut, who's been a Toyota Master Technician at a dealership in Chicago for over 10-years and has excellent videos about Toyota's. He has lots of maintenance videos and also five videos on "How Toyota Hybrid Systems Work"...here's part 1:
Thanks for the link. It is just 1 ding. I will have to pay attention to see if it is in reverse only. I started to notice it after 240 miles and the dealer setting up the autodown windows.
@Colorado Boo i almost got my first pedestrian the other day. It would be cool if the sould could be programmed. I would use the Flight of the Valkyrie or Jimi Hendrix Machine Gun. That would be an attention getter. Thanks for the vidoes!
If the dealer changed the reverse chime to one only while changing your windows, that would do it. But only just as you put it in reverse. They might have changed something else that's causing it. Maybe check though the customizable features section of the owners manual for some clues?
The single ding happens about 15 seconds after starting the car. It doesnt matter if the car is in park, neutral, reverse, or drive. I thought it might be the radio but it dings with the radio on or off. Had my second fill and the mpg was better at 47,7 calculated.
AVG MPG on the first 4 tanks is 48.8 and that is about 95% highway. So far so good. 15xx miles on it so far.
I was wondering why Toyota decided to use the blower fan speed in the drivers score. Does it really draw that much power to affect fuel economy? Why not include the radio? I am sure there is a base power consumption but if it is played louder doesn't it draw more power? Just a thought rattling around in my head. Mpg picked up on the last tank. 57.4mpg. Hopefully that is a trend. I also notice that the car avg mpg is getting closer to the calculated mpg.