Hi PriusChatters! Long story short: I'm trying to update my JBL head unit in my Prius V (package 5), but I can't get it to 'offer' me the option to actually update. I've used the Toyota tool to download the update file ("13TDANNA-DA11_0146.kwi"), I've copied it to two different FAT32-formatted flash drives (one 2GB, one 16GB), but it never prompts me to install the update when I go to Apps > Settings > Software Update > Update. I do believe both flash drives are "readable" to the car, since it was able to copy my sweet new "Star Trek"-themed startup images without any issue... I just can't get the update to go, and I'd really like to - I'm sick to death of my EQ settings going back to defaults every day. Any tips or suggestions? Here's a pic of my Software Update screen, if that helps:
UPDATE: I figured it out! As best I can tell, I was doing everything correctly on the Toyota website, but their tool provides the wrong update file. Seriously - whether I entered my car model info manually or entered the VIN and let the site sort it out, it was providing me the update file for the "13TDANNA-DA11" head unit, while mine (as I noticed in the pic above) is actually the "13TDANNA-DA01" unit. I manually tinkered with different year / model / package options in the Toyota tool, eventually figuring out that if I bumped the year down to 2015 > Prius V > Package 5, it provided me the "DA01" update file I needed. WOOOOOOOO
Interesitng.... I too have a 2016 V Level 5 and tried to update the radio and it did the same thing that you experienced. I just assumed that "no update required" took place as it states in the Owners manual. Good catch on the head unit model. I'd be curious if that "DA01" file works and if so if the update has different number in the "NEW" column. V
Good detective work. Maybe you have an early 2016 built in late summer of 2015. Still you would think the vin lookup would be correct. Otherwise perhaps someone swapped mfds because of a failure.
Good thought too.... I pulled the VIN report from the Toyota Owners site and the "Order Date" for my 2016 was "12/2015" and a "Date of First use: Sept 8, 2016". My Head Unit model is the same that @wowbobwow has. things that make ya go, hmmmmmm......