2021 PP Anyone else enjoy driving on EV Power mode? It makes the Prime so peppy and the torque is nice. I'll have to track it and see how the mileage is. If you drive on EV Power mode alot what type of mileage are you seeing?
It's an illusion. You’re just remapping the accelerator and turning Eco off on the climate control system.
What do you mean? It's definitely quicker on power EV mode. Have you tried it versus EV and eco mode. I'm not even sure if you can remap the accelerator on ev. Doesn't that only apply to the ice engine.
You don't get something for nothing. Acceleration is quicker at the loss of battery distance. Enjoy it...except on a slick road surface where the driving tire might spin.
I drive in EV Power mode 100% of the time. I really enjoy the quick throttle response and how nimble the car is in traffic. Not worried about losing any MPG.
It is wonderfully zippy, but "Standard" is a nice compromise too. Feels peppy enough for me. Only problem is getting scolded by the computer nanny with low efficiency scores. What's weird to me is how much different it feels in HV mode - that throttle response just seems to go to mush.
You can get the exact same response in Eco Mode as you do in Pwr mode. You just need to depress the accelerator further. Basically Pwr mode gives you a lead foot which you could easily do yourself. EV vs HV is immaterial.
Well if you're gonna track it, you can do a GPS timed run and let us know. As far as we know, it's the throttle mapping that changes (i.e. pressing harder in Eco mode will achieve the same thing as lightly tipping in in PWR mode).
So if you mash the pedal in ECO mode you'll get the same 0-60 time as if you mash it in PWR mode? Might be worth an experiment.
Sure can! I find it pretty easy to feather the throttle in EV ECO at slow speeds like 30-35 mph and get about 7-10 m/kWh. That's almost impossible in PWR mode because the slightest foot twitch makes the m/kWh indicator pulse up and down like crazy at low speed. It's been done by a number of people, many of whom were surprised that it was identical. They were expecting it to be slower in ECO.
Especially if the accelerator pedal is electronically controlled… it’s easy to adapt the motive force via software.
The point of my post was to just bring up how fun it is driving in Power EV mode. For some reason it doesn't feel as fun when you're smashing the pedal in Eco EV mode.
All I notice in Power mode is better throttle response. Frankly, throttle response in Eco mode is terrible. So I keep it in Normal mode 90 percent of the time.