Hello, new member here, and from my thread title, it's obvious why. Thankfully, my Dad is still with us but has been ordered to stop driving for medical reasons. So when I visited for Christmas he told me he'd give his 2008 Prius to me. I've driven it a few times but didn't get the chance to do so this time, as he has it at the (independent) mechanics giving it a full service. I believe he's the second owner, having bought it some time I think in 2010 (not sure). This is my first hybrid, so I'm pretty clueless about upkeep and what to look out for. Can someone recommend me some threads to search? or maybe drop some advice here? I'm not sure what variant the car is, but I do know it has the stereo with the JBL speakers, and I'm in the EU if that helps. As my Dad is rather elderly, I doubt this car has been driven in anger since he's had it, so when I pick it up in the new year it won't know what's hit it! Thanks!
I honestly can't remember, I'll have to take a look when it's back from the mechanics. I'd be surprised if it's less than 100k
Well I collected it a couple of days ago, and here are the details. 2008 T4 Prius in red. 130k miles JBL No reverse camera No Bluetooth No nav Needs a good valet, but even so it's in great condition.
I love my 2008! Mine has 233K--no major repairs, been through two hybrid coolant pumps and three 12v batteries. I like to use BG products on each oil change, and park the car in the shade due to Texas heat. Hybrid Automotive sells a trickle charger and discharger to keep the hybrid battery healthy.
I hope that the car works well for you! I am just about to part with my 2009 at 187k miles and other than a catalytic converter theft and having to replace a cooling pump, I’ve had no trouble. (I’m conveniently forgetting paying through the nose for headlight replacements, but I think that was specific to the touring model and I should have gone to the dealer.)