Yesterday my hybrid system stopped working and I was told to get it into service. Toyota quoted me a hefty diagnostic fee when I dropped off the car, but what else could I do but sign to proceed. After having it through the day they tell me it's the IPM and covered under warranty (Yea!!) though it will take a couple days for parts to arrive. Questions: Are all costs, including diagnostics, covered by Toyota? Will Toyota cover rental car? They said no when I asked for a loaner. I'm a greenhorn around this largely because my prior 07 Prius never had such issues and never had a relationship with the dealer.
Yes they cover the diagnostic fee. No Toyota Corp does not give a rental car. Sometimes the dealer might but its their choice. If they have the parts it should be a one day repair.
I was told parts may not arrive till next week and just found this link indicating toyota should provide a loaner If my vehicle requires a warranty repair, will Toyota provide me with a loaner vehicle? Thanks for your response above.
It needs to be kept overnight for that to kick in. but if your car is drivable until the part arrive , this policy would not apply. And if they can fix it with in a day (ie you come in at 800am and it fixed buy 5pm the same day) no loner.
How much money for diagnosis and what else did they look into beside the problem that's covered under warranty. If I were you I'd tell them that I'll take it to a different dealership that doesn't charge me for repairs under warranty and if they still say know I'd escalate to a manager. As in they get lots of money/credit from Toyota for doing this repair and if you refuse to have them do the work they don't get that money/credit from Toyota.
@Pulse07 The service advisor told me i should not drive it until it's fixed, so I'll put it on them. I've emailed the service manager about a loaner since they need 5 days for the part to arrive. @PriusCamper Diagnostics was quoted about $175 if I recall. The only issue I presented was for the hybrid battery inverter code, which I believe turned out to be this IPM problem. The guy told me the repair was covered, so I'll assume it includes diagnostics and be a squeaky wheel if they try stick me with a bill. I didn't ask them to diagnose any other issues.
Update: Service Advisor called this AM to confirm I could use a free loaner (which he didn't offer day prior). It pays to research your rights and be a squeaky wheel sometimes .