OK.... So. You cannot spend more than five minutes in the internet without some click-bait story about "happiest place" or "unhappiest people." When I was knocking holes in the ocean for a living, we maintained a 'Happiness Factor" graph with an accompanying formula throughout the deployment. If you're a Navy vet, and your mother and father were not married, it might be roughly equivalent to the far less complicated Six_factor_formula used for basically the same thing.... Expressing something VERY basic. Happiness, you see is like the k-effective only LOTS more complicated but......science has answers! American happiness hits record lows - CNN Since 1972 the University of Chicago (whose scientists achieved the first controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction) have maintained their OWN "happiness factor....called the General Social Survey. Algore was 24 years old in 1972, so one presumes that the trends in at least some of these data are not influenced by bots.....Russian hackers.....etc. Like polls....these data are probably better for quantifying change or rates of change rather than a specific level.... The result? THAT's where things get a "little complicated" because while the RESULTS CURRENTLY ARE about as "happy" as one might expect in 2022....(historically unhappy)....the REASONS are wildly varying - depending on whether you're listening to Feaux News or Fake news......(or Government Funded Radio.) So...... Are you? As for me and MY house....we are! But then....we generally HAVE been. YMMV
happiness is a temporary state of mind based on circumstances. joy is a habitual quality developed over a lifetime
I agree....these are some very troubling times in America...disunity and hatred and division and the fools have even managed to turn people who are vaccinated against folks who decided not to get vaccinated. (Personally, I support everyone's decision...it's THEIR body, after all, and aren't we, still, the land of the free and the home of the brave?) Lots of lies and trust for the government, including government "health experts" seems to be at an all-time low. And for good reason...the vaccine will keep you from getting covid, wrong...the vaccine will make it impossible for you to spread it if you catch it, wrong. The only truth that seems to be coming to fruition is that if you have the vaccine and, still, catch covid chances are your symptoms will be much milder and the death rates have dropped a lot. This is what our family doctor advised us and both decided to get the Pfizer's. But we are not getting any boosters...don't see the need for it...omicron is much milder and, because of it, we are of the opinion all these restrictions and mandates need to vanish, and like yesterday. (The negatives are far outweighing the positives at this point.) Force kids to wear asks is child abuse....bacteria and other junk in the masks not to mention the negative psychological impact on those poor kids. We are glad the Holy Bible says, "The joy of the Lord is our strength." This had been true in our family for our entire lives!
Personally, I support everyone's decision...it's THEIR body, after all, and aren't we, still, the land of the free and the home of the brave?) Be careful saying that here....you'll suddenly find you're in the "he's evil, cancel column". You're not allowed to think differently..
When I really get my stuff in gear, I am capable of biphasic sleep. It's getting press now, but it's been there all along. Heck, I didn't even know what it was until I'd been doing it for a few years. That has become a measuring stick, and a useful one at that.
... thought you might get a kick out of this -- Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile ///////////////////// Dear Congressman McCarthy, ... the better part of 10 thousand years, mankind got by just fine, without a Federal Reserve Bank. Stacked end-to-end since Humphrey-Hawkins, circa 1913, it's been one economic catastrophe, one kleptocratic scandal, right after the other. Three simple things your Federal Reserve's supposed to do: 1). affect full-employment - 2). guarantee price stability - 3). serve as lender of last resort - Your flunkies at the Federal Reserve are not supposed to have gone berserk, playing games on open market operations, flooding currency in circulation, soaking up bond markets, enabling malfeasance at the U.S. Treasury, bankrupting our social security, serving as a slush-fund-on-steroids for Wall Street cucumber sandwich capitalists. The Federal Reserve's lost control of the United States economy. Inflation, out of control, the US$ dollar crumbling, they've failed. Yet, again. Miserably so. Perched upon the precipice of WW III, price at the pumps and the meat counter gone ballistic, and so too -- you. The Biden Administration's lost control, of foreign, trade and domestic policy. There was, once upon a time, a government in Washington DC who loved Americans. Fast forward, brave new world, 2022, no love lost, the government in Washington DC is in it, just for themselves. The government in Washington DC is out-of-control... Moral of the story: representing people you fundamentally detest, loathe, despise, it is with statistical certainty, though you are guaranteed fabulous fortune, beyond your wildest dreams, you're doomed to political failure. History will not remember you, kindly. As do we. The United States of America, in a spin-out, heading azz backward into the K-rails, painfully evident, even the most obtuse of partisan democrats have little choice, by now, but begrudgingly concede, the government in Washington DC no longer represents the United States of America. You couldn't save us, now. Even if you wanted to. God bless, nonetheless. Saints, preserve you --
I feel sorry even for senators and reps I don't like, when I think of them having to read letters like that.
Not sure they read much of them. When I was a kid I was mired in politics -- don't know why, my parents were not all that into politics. But, I wrote letters all the time to the local rep and senator. Always got back a nice form letter thanking me for my views on <insert subject here> About 85 percent of the time the reply actually addressed the issue I wrote about.....