The car set for a month. The 12volt battery went dead. Removed battery and charged it.The car won't start. Normally when I press the power button with foot on break I hear at the back of the car relays clicking. Now there is no sound what so ever. All lights are working the car appears to come on normally but no sounds of relays working. Hybrid battery displays shows about 50% charged. But the car will not start. Engine will not engage. What might be the problem. TIA !
ar you getting the 'ready' light? do you have a voltage tester? i wouldn't trust the battery just because it powers the lights, you need a load test, free at an auto parts store
prius battery is closer to 13v fully charged, but it's all about voltage getting to computers and relays when under load your welcome
What is the battery voltage on the front jump point under the hood? If it’s at least 12 volts and after a failed start attempt the dash must be lit up with error codes. If you have the big red triangle of death the on the dash the hybrid battery may have failed. Don’t know what year car is don’t know the miles on it and don’t know what state you live in as you never posted it in your profile.