I think the answer is yes. We have several lengthy threads. Two options: (1) Cut out the existing foam an insert spare into the hole. There will be a bulge, but you'll have more overall space. (2) Get the dealer to (or pay to) swap out the Level 4 foam with Level 3 foam with the spare tire, and then your Cargo space is a Level 3.
I did some pricing. The foam right over the tire is $200 and the foam to the left and right are over $100 each. The spare is like $400. These are some crazy prices Inwas pricing out a 16, dealer wont pay
eBay. Prius Spare Tire | eBay Craigslist. New Donut Tire (Spare Tire) Toyota Prius Steve at Autobeyours. Other used car parts sites.
I guess my thinking is: if customers avoid levels without spares, Toyota may cave and reinstate the spare on those levels. FWIW, in Canada pretty much all levels of the 2016 have spare. There's one advanced tech level that nixes the spare.
Note on Option 2, I am not sure the 3 w/ spare and 4 w/o spare vehciles are exactly the same rear seat level inside, so swapping Level 3 foam into a Level 4 may not be perfect fit but its not bad.
I bought a donut spare on eBay for my Four. I cut out the foam exactly the dimension of the tire. It was nice of Toyota to include the spare tire hold-down nut, which made securing it a piece of cake. As you know, they even included the tools needed to change the spare. It really paid off recently when I got a flat. I'm an entertainer and absolutely had to get to the engagement on time. Using the flat fix kit wasn't an option, since it wouldn't have worked, due to the size of the puncture. The spare tire mod saved my butt that day, and was very happy I had done it. I had a Chevy Volt, and that mod wasn't possible in that car. Hopefully future Prius's (Prii?) will continue to include the hold-down assembly in the cars.
The show must go on, as they say. We recently used the donut for the first time on our 2006 too. Now the spare doesn't look squeaky clean any more.
Yes, I am a true believer. I've played important gigs with 104 degree fever, when I was young and dumb! BTW, did you use the included scissor jack? Mine creaked like crazy after the full load of the car was on it. I lubed it up, and hopefully will work better the next time I use it. I'd also like to get one of those folding lug wrenches, to make life easier.....
I better check the pressure on my donut spare. I'm glad it's back there. I pulled everything out one day, and applied sound-deadening stick-on foam to all the metal areas of the trunk/boot/wheel well, whatever you call it. Not sure how much it helped.
Assuming 4th gen scissor jack is the same as third: it's a poor design. The cast eyelet that you hook the torque rod into is very jumpy as you turn. Much better is Honda's jack: it has a u-shaped bent plate with TWO eyelets, about 1/2" apart. Keeps the torque rod stable as you turn. Also, Toyota's cast eyelet is soft metal, metal spalls off with every rotation.
Yes, it will. If you look at one of my previous posts from 2017, you’ll see a detailed account of how I got mine to work. I also included pics so you can get a visual. 2016 Prius Spare Tire Fix w/Photos | PriusChat Side note- I COMPLETELY agree w/Mendel Lisk’s comment that customers need to complain to Toyota about the lack of spare. Better yet, hit the dealerships in the pocketbook by INSISTING they give you a replacement foam floorboard insert (retail cost $350) so you can put in your own spare. -Clearly there is a space cut out for a spare in the Prius 4. -The 2016 Prius Prime and Prius 2 included a compact spare tires as a standard part of the package. (I had the dealership give me the replacement foam floorboard insert from the Prius 2 before I agreed to purchase) -The can of Fix a Flat will not work if you blow out the sidewall of the tire. And if you happen to use the Fix a Flat, and are able to get the tire fixed, getting the Fix a Flat gunk cleaned out of the tire is really difficult - Wth did Toyota include a jack in the Prius 4 if they didn’t intend for the tires to be lifted/use a spare? Maybe Prius owners band together and petition Toyota or something… but honestly, corporation’s usually only respond when customers speak using their pocketbooks.
Eschewing levels without a spare "might" wake up Toyota. If the sales skew enough. AFAIK only the base Prius come with a spare tire; the other levels "upgrade" to air compressor with goop kit. There's something wonky there... But then, if you want something like 3-door touch-to-unlock, you're SOL.
There is Zero chance Toyota is going to change because of a few customers not liking something, they only change due to rules, like if there was a rule that all cars needed to have a spare, which is not likely to happen.
Yeah I think you’re right. Still, just looking out for yourself: do your homework; research the levels upfront, don’t get yourself into an expensive/sand pounding retrofit.