Hi I have a 2005 Toyota Prius with 63,118 miles. A couple days ago during a very rainy week here in Sacramento, I had to drive through a bit of a flooded road nothing much about 1/4 up the tires. I drove the car to the job everything was fine. Parked the car, everything fine. After work about 8 hours later I started the car and the emergency brake was on, even after depressed. Abs light, and brake warning light. After I came home I pulled the abs code c1364 malfunction in w/c pressure sensor and c1365. I cleared the codes and it drove it for a day and then then next day they were back. When I open the door the anti-theft alarm sound with the anti-theft sign on the dashboard. It also beeps when I press the brake pedal. If I clear the codes I can drive the car for a while. Please help if you have any idea what's going on. I don't have warranty so I need to locate the problem and fix as low cost as possible. I have some mechanical experience so most of the work I can do myself.
Could it also be that water may have gotten into the back and might be around the battery? How long have you owned the Prius? Has this problem been there before the rain? Might be worth a look in the back where the battery is at.