Anyone know which lights in the 2022 Limited are NOT LEDs? I'm trying to piece together a kit to replace those. I'm not sure if the Reverse LEDs are needed since I don't know if they are already LEDs (I didn't select them in the screenshot):
On page 657, Toyota writes, “The lights other than the back-up lights each consist of a number of LEDs.” Looking through the parts catalog, I don’t see any incandescent lamps on the car that aren’t in the list on page 734.
All the exterior lights except Back-up lights are LED. I believe most of the interior lights are incandescent bulbs as shown on the list except the Shift lever light which is LED. The footwell lights may also be LED, but I have not confirmed this.
Says IF EQUIPPED, and that is talking about Exterior lights. All interior lights are incandescent, I know because I replaced them with the lights from the Precision. I didn't replace the backup lights though. Hint on Vanity lights, if you replace them, they had a tendency to pop out with use of Sun Visor, fixed problem by roughing up the LED metal blades that plug into the socket just a little bit. Another hint for you to prove they aren't LED, Incandescent aren't bright and seem a little yellow.