Wife always daily drove our 13 XC60, and we bought this , to drop our large fuel bills. Love the car, but here in Ontario, can get alot of snow, so the AWD was a must. Put Michelin snow/ice tires on it, but snow so far has been a minimum. Today, we got over a foot. I left for work in the XC, but seeing how bad it was, and still coming down, I returned and took the P, and left the XC for her. I turned around after 20 miles or so, as it was BAD, and roads not plowed, but I will say I was very impressed. This thing just plows through the snow. There is NO WAY I would have went that far in just the FWD version, and any FWD car......would have stuck for sure. It does move around in snow that deep, in other tracks, etc but certainly works well, and never felt like was going to get stuck/stop moving forward. There is a very steep long hill I have to go up, no issue at all. Only thing I don't like, is , if you hit the traction control off button, it turns back on after a short bit. As button is kind of hard so see , its a little sketchy , trying to find it , in the dark., while moving. Other than that, very impressed. Even had a couple of drifts come up over hood it was that deep. So glad we got AWD.
Were you entirely in very slow moving bumper to bumper? Note that the eAWD only kicks in below 5mph, except I think in some higher speed slippage circumstances - but 99% of the time you are no different from the FWD variant, except a bit more weight on the rear axle due to the weight of the rear motor. I think you might be giving more credit to the eAWD, where it's probably due to your Michelin snow tires. That said, good to hear. Haven't tried my eAWD in the snow yet (because I've only had it for about 2 months and it's summer), but I'm hoping to take it skiing next winter (~July '22) so we'll see how she goes. Keeping things on all-season Ecos though.
No traffic, I'm out in the country. I had the screen up thats shows power going to all wheels, and it was showing full power to rear at 40mph. I have drove many fwd cars, and this in no way acts like a fwd car in the snow.
The AWD-e is permanently engaged from 0-10km/h then as an as-needed basis from 10km/h-65km/h. So it can be active at city speeds and slower country roads.