The duct for the battery fan in the back has two fans, held in my two strange security screws. I want to remove them and clean or replace them, but cant figure out the special screw. What type of screw and where to get a bit or how to get it out? It has 280k miles and needs a good cleaning. See here for the filter, well I cant post a link, just imagine it. and here for the screw. (well I still cant post a link, imagine a round center hole, with three slits around the outside of it.
I Mean "The duct for the battery fan in the back has two FILTERS, held in BY two strange security screws EACH. "
I think those are just emergency air intakes in case the main duct is blocked. Under normal conditions very little air should be going through them - that path has much more resistance than the gaping large hole at the to of the duct. Those filters don't look dirty in any case, but if you absolutely must clean them, you could vacuum them (carefully).