Hey, I searched around a little bit and saw some emblem replacement talk, but photos didn't seem to match mine very closely. Hope I'm not bringing up a common issue or anything. I've had a 2017 Prius (Two, I think) for a while. A few days ago I noticed the front emblem missing. Stolen, broken off, not sure. I put my VIN into one of those parts websites and ordered a replacement that's supposed to fit the car. I watched a tutorial somewhere for replacing an emblem on an older Prius, and it all looked really similar. It seemed like I could just snap it right in. I've tried a few times, and the clips on the bottom snap in just fine, but the entire top of the emblem doesn't snap in anywhere. There's holes for it to go into, but it just hangs there slack. I feel like I've applied pretty good pressure, but it feels like there's no mechanism for those top arms to snap in and stay there. Looking at the space where the emblem used to be, some of the plastic is broken and a few things look askew. I found one of those bottom clips broken off in there. I guess these things don't come off easy and maybe there's more damage to it than I know. I guess it's also possible that I really did buy the wrong part; and that tutorial I watched had them remove the whole bumper for no clear reason, so maybe that's part of it. I'm about to hit a deadline for when I can return the replacement emblem, so any info you have would be really helpful. Thanks!
Do you have a photo of the front, is it flush and smooth or is it recessed like the one on the rear of the car? I am not familiar with US spec cars, but here in the UK all trim levels have dynamic cruise control and behind the emblem is the sensor for the radar cruise control and it looks like you car has that. It could be the incorrect one as the emblem has to allow the signals of the sensor to pass through and the fact that it's a loose fit is another flag that it's not the right one. Does you car have dynamic cruise control?
As @Harters kindly suggests, you have the wrong version of the emblem. The rectangular object behind the emblem in your first photo is the millimeter wave radar sensor assembly, used by Toyota Safety Sense-P and dynamic radar cruise control (which the sales brochure (PDF) says was standard equipment on all 2017 Prius cars sold in the U.S.), so you need the more costly, radar-transparent version of the emblem assembly, part number 53141-47031 (formerly 53141-47030).
That's disappointing, but really good to know. I'll see if I can get that one returned. Thank you, everyone!