Has anyone loaded/carried 4 stock tires (185-65/15) in the back of their Prius? It looks like there'd be plenty of room with the back seats folded down but I want to be sure before I head out. Thanks
All the time buy on Amazon tote all 4 in car to building with lift and tyre machine all 4 in car mounted on rims stock size . Can do w 17's too
Yes. I just bought four 185-65/R15 tires online and took them to the local shop to have them mounted and balanced today. So, yes they fit.
Mine was with 2 adults, 2 kids and a strawler . Picked up the rims somewhere on the way home and wasn't prepared. Normally I try to find a moment when I don't have my family with me... The car has lots of space, far more than its competitors in this segment.
I think you and your passengers would be well protected if you were rear ended with the tires back there.