I have a 2012 Prius III. For the last couple of weeks, I have been getting "key detected in vehicle" messages with a buzzer lasting about a minute while driving - mainly over bumps of some kind like bridge expansion joints or speed bumps. This afternoon, I placed my purse in the toolbox under the false floor of the trunk. I unseated it and had to jiggle it around a bit to put it back in its place. While feeling around down there, I may have hit something (?) Anyway, now I cannot get the hatch to close or lock. Is there some kind of luggage lock in the trunk somewhere that I may have hit or is it more likely a component of the trunk latch is failing (b/c of the "key" messages I have been getting lately)? (Honestly, nothing but problems with this car and wish I brought something else. Every time I go to the dealer with a problem, they find a reason to say it's not covered under warranty. I hate Priuses right now!)
did you drop anything small into the latch lock? its possible that something drop down there and is preventing you to close the hatch...
or a piece of cloth or something caught? the only thing is the manual pull switch behind a panel on the hatch itself, i don't see how you could disturb it. sorry to hear about your troubles, and now is not a good time to trade in, prius prices are in the dumper, and suv's are selling like hotcakes.
No, I had my hands all in there earlier. Nothing got in. No, no cloth or anything like that in there. I did feel the manual pull switch while I was reaching around in there. If I pulled on it, does that stop the hatch from closing? I read something online that the hatch will not lock again if the key fob is sensed in the car after pulling the manual switch but even when I removed it, the hatch still won't lock. The car does not detect the hatch as open either. If I drive it with the hatch open, it does not give me any warnings about an open door. The problem is not that it won't open. It won't close or lock. That's no matter how hard I slam the hatch shut. The part of the hatch lock near the bumper that grasps the squared metal hoop on the hatch door appears to be in the lock position. So the squared metal hoop is just hitting that metal when I try to close the hatch.
Hmmm .... Normally that condition occurs only if the "part ... that grasps the ... hoop" somehow gets pushed into its latched position while the hatch is open. Sometimes I do that deliberately (to reduce battery drain while the hatch is open for long periods), but can't imagine how it could happen accidentally. Try pressing the release switch (or operating the manual emergency release lever) while the hatch is partially open (not down against the latch). That should let the latch mechanism return to the position it should be in with the hatch open. If that does not work, the latch mechanism must be stuck, jammed, broken, or misadjusted. Good luck, and please let us know what happens next. Anyway, it's not a major problem; at the very worst, you'll need a new latch.
well the only way now is for you to remove the hatch lock itself. I've removed the hatch lock the last time a piece of plastic got stuck in there, which prevented the hatch from closing. So I remove the hatch latch and remove the small piece in there and then reassemble it and it worked properly. Have you tried pressing the unlock button on the the hatch itself?
I have more or less the same problem. The latch will not lock the hatch. I want to fix it myself but am not sure where to start. I have started a separate thread for my particular problem... Can the latch that keeps the back hatch shut be repaired? | PriusChat
The "Key Not Detected in Vehicle" message can appear when the hatch is slightly ajar and you drive; the hatch bounces up and down and this triggers the message.
Just musing: why the eff isn't the message "Your hatch is not latched", lol. Wonder: would there be the door ajar icon too, or no.
I do that, on purpose, any time I'm about to disconnect the battery, just to make sure the hatch isn't going to flop closed and lock and make me crawl to the back to pull the manual release. When I'm all done, I just reach down and pull the manual release, and the "part of the lock near the bumper that grasps" just pops right back to its open position, and then I can close the hatch. That isn't happening for you? -Chap
I was having a similar issue. Removed cover and blew compressed air into the locking mechanism. A lot of junk came out of there, from beach sand to plain dirt. No problems after that. Total cost: $0.
I took out the 3 bolts on mine, to visualize the lock mechanism. Tried moving the manual open latch, it got stuck and would not release. Found a tiny pebble stuck in the mechanism, believe it or not, removed it and put the bolts back. All is Good. The dealer would have charged an hour and possibly a new lock ( I am being pessimistic ). Dont be afraid to take it out and look, its easy. pry off plastic cover with screw driver and remove 3 screws.