2017 Pear White Prius: there are film protectors on the body edges in places along the door and a few others. Matter has gotten into the edges and it looks awful. 1) is there a more correct terminology to refer to these "Film protectors?" 2) is there an established method to clean the gun out of them or do they need to be replaced? Would someone share links to info or explain? 3) If they need to be replaced, are there any links on how to get them off the car with out taking paint with them? Thanks
My delivery paperwork has a couple items in the Port Installed Equipment list, 3P Paint Protection Film and D5 Door Edge Guards. From your pictures it looks like your problem is with the paint protection film applied in the trailing gap of the rear doors between the door and the vehicle body. Something has seeped in between the film and the body on the trailing edge, which is strange. Usually contaminants would impinge and possibly work underneath a leading edge in regard to airflow. Whatever it is, it appears to have contaminated the adhesive and will likely require replacement. I think these strips just lift off, very carefully though. The clear coat and paint shouldn't be affected. I would bet replacements could be ordered from the dealer and wouldn't be very expensive or difficult to apply. Alternate to a DIY, a respectable body shop could do this for you.
A heat gun would help in taking it off. It wouldn't be a 5 minute done deal, you'll need patience. Alternatively, grab some touch up paint, and very carefully touch it up.
Here's a link to paint protection film installation video Video Gallery it might help answering some of your questions. Of course the door guards are OEM and might be held on differently than the bigger sheets of film. suggest search for door guard installation instructions and try to keep the results as close to toyota oem as you can. for best results. If it's only the one door guard, I might try using Dawn dish soap to see how much of the ingress it will get out, than if results are good enough, just repeat as necessary. Good luck
I've been itching to get those off our 3rd gen, presumably sim location, rear door openings. I'd speculate they're of near-zero benefit, just collect crud, maybe start pitting/rusting?
Cripes ! just a couple pieces of sticky plastic. Well, try an active surfactant such as Formula 409 and a reasonable amount of elbow grease to see if it can be removed.
So have you ever done this with effective and safe results? Like with out pulling any of the paint off? Apparently any film or body shop will tell you there is a risk. SO... being that the paint on this car has to go through a minimum 3 step painting and sanding process with the most expensive paint Toyota has because it is a pearl finish... (a can of this paint costs near $700.) and since painting where surfaces or panels join together often require that BOTH the messed up and the good panel need to be painted so they blend well... and the cost of repairing pulled up paint would be in excess of $1000... should it require painting.... I will ask again. Have you done this with safe results... or is this just a guess. I think it is fair that I want to be careful... and look for tried and true results... at least for now... don't you?
In addition to the surfactant, a steamer will soften the adhesive and will be safer to the paint than the previously suggested heat gun. If you don't have a steamer, a hair dryer is still safer and lower temperature than a heat gun. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Been cold out so I have not been checking on it. The plastic serves a purpose indeed. I have no doubt that it protects against lots of chips from people carelessly getting in and out. By tracing the edge with my fingernail... it appears that the plastic film here is considerably stiffer and thicker than the film on the hood of my last prius... and the film on the lower door jam of the driver door. This stuff is not going to stretch off or fray. It may be worth trying to clean... and possibly re-attach or add something to re-adhere and seal the edges... What might be used to do that... is another good question?
You can get replacement film; it's got a part number. We've been "tagged" on both rear corners, and after one I recall the body shop saying they were just waiting on the replacement film.
Talked to parts, they are $50 a piece. Shame they should be warrantied. Need a cheaper fix for now. Also, need to be sure the way I remove them will not take the paint with it.
I’m inclined to take them off and be done. Kinda waiting for someone else to try it first though. Have a heat gun, and lots of time.