So my dad had a run in with a light pole in a parking lot and managed to do some fairly severe damage - I was estimating roughly $5k worth but the initial estimate came back at $11k and was revised to $14k, so the insurance company it totaling it. Does this look like $14k in damage? Holy cow! I think he's likely to replace it with either a new Prius or Corolla hybrid.
Well you have the option to buy the car back from the insurance company. I think a shop can fix that for about $5000 or less. You just have to cut the front "apron" piece off from another donor car and weld it back on. That's the piece that will allow you to secure the fender and headlights again. I think part of the reason it's estimated at $14000 damage, you probably have some suspension damage as well. But that shouldn't be really expensive if you get parts from a wrecking yard to fix it. The parts you'll most likely need will be struts, axle, spindle, lower control arm, etc.
The entire front of the car, including the motor and trans, and every single wire and piece under the hood, axles, ball joints, knuckles, headlight, corners, fender linings, brakes, suspension, bumper, bumper cover, bumper support, fender, possibly the B pillar and roof, dozens of plastic push pins, wheel(s) need to be replaced. It’s easily $14k in this day and and economy. Plus it would be a salvaged title if it were fixed. Sorry
Yeah, bummer. Clean 2014, had I think just under 100k miles. Probably would've been a 200k mile car easily. It's crazy how easily modern cars are totaled though. Ah well, I think he's probably going to look at the new Prius, Corolla Hybrid, and Honda Insight.
I'm sure it would just be the usual listing of replacement parts and their price, and then some ridiculous cost for labor which would account for probably half the $14k or more.. but I'd like to see it out of curiousity if OP wants to post it. I know the headlights on the 2017+ Prime are around $1,300 each new, thats one of the reasons I drive very carefully! I'm sure a new one from Toyota for OP's is still well over $400..
Also maybe it's beneficial to total a car now vs waiting for parts to get it repaired. Paying for the rental car for months and months would not be in the interest of the insurance company
In all fairness ^^ not much else but collecting your hard earned money & coming up with annoying jingles and mascots is "in the interest" of the insurance company, LOL. Think about it, its one of the most ridiculous things ever - you pay a company to do nothing, then if something happens you have to pay them even more. And a lot of people drive around with out it anyway, usually because they can't afford it, and those are the ones who need it most because they are driving an old car rusted out on a spare tire with a broken axle. And if YOU get hit by THEM and they take off, and you don't pay your ins company enough, they say "sorry too bad. You should have paid that extra $8.04 a month for uninsured motorists! HAHHA!!"
used car prices have greatly escalated in covid, make sure he gets a fair price. replacement won't be cheap, new or used
Yeah, not great timing, given the state of the market. I think it was valued at only 13,200. And I don't think he got an itemized estimate, just a total figure and the insurance company's decision to total it.
Wish he had been driving my oil burning 2007 Subaru Legacy with 170k miles, a rotted out exhaust, shot control arms, and a second set of blown head gaskets!
So my folks have had a heck of a time finding a replacement, but my dad found a dealer willing to sell a Corolla Hybrid at MSRP, though he had to travel a bit to do so. Only problem is it's a couple of month wait to order one. But he's got a deposit down on one so hopefully it works out. So, farewell Prius but the Corolla hybrid is basically a Prius underneath after all!
so... ill say this.. you are lucky... and no.. not $14k IMO here is mine after the accident.. the winch mount and the engine splash shield provided good structural support and protection that the minimal extensive damage was done, Im doing the repair myself... you are lucky as you didn't damage your fuse box it looks like...