Hi guys I would like to buy a head unit for my 3 gen 2010. What is the biggest screen that I could install? I have seen some new 9" pioneers and these are so expensive I'm happy to buy a used one which fits 3 gen easily and which I can use for wheel control and rear camera also. Thanks a lot for your help! SM-G970U1 ?
Thanks mate. Can you recommend me some good one? I would like to buy the Pioneer one but it's still very expensive.. Maybe an older version? Thanks SM-G970U1 ?
What's you current HU? The factory one? If so you'll need a Prius double din trim. After you get that any standard double din HU will do. I had a Kenwood Ddx9702s which is 7 inch. And by the way I might be wrong about the size since the biggest in double din should be 7 inch.
Yeah, I got the factory one. I would like to put there a used 9" from a decent brand. Pioneer Alpine etc. I can find some on FB market (after Christmas) but these are gone super fast I ordered double din fascia just because was super cheap on boxing day and I can resell it after easily if I'll not use it. I'm pretty sure I can't put 9" in the double din area but maybe there is a head unit which is a bit bigger and not obstruct aircon in 2010 model.. SM-G970U1 ?
Some posters have had good luck with EKIY on aliexpress.com https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1005001266977885.html?trace=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail&spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4do57Dh0 I have no personal experience. YMMV
Looks Ike I waited too long to edit. Units with a 9 inch screen don't have a CD/DVD slot. Not an issue for most
Yeah it looks like good stuff but I have terrible experience with returning goods on Aliexpress SM-G970U1 ?
Joying sells similar units. Aliexpress stuff is cheap Credit card charge back protects me if the unit is DOA or the equivalent, dies in a month or so. After that I assume support may be limited, at best.