I bought a new battery pack some time ago for my 07 Prius. Wouldn't you know it, it was delivered right before vacation. Turns out that the box was on its side for about 6 days. I noticed the "this side up" sticker when I got home, and immediately righted it. However, I'm wondering if this has caused any adverse effects? I was going to install it in the next week or two, when I have the time and tools. Is there anything I should do beforehand, with regards to my sideways battery pack?
Not a problem... I've never seen any changes to a battery pack based on it being sideways or upside down for a while....
Is @2k1Toaster still around? I have one of his kits that I’ve been running for close to 5 years and it needs a new module or two. I’ve had no luck getting ahold of him or the project lithium guys. Do I have to go back to a rebuilt or new Toyota replacement?