After I turnoff my 07 prius with 126k miles, it makes a weird pump sound and it cuts in and out. When I first bought it, the pump sound was consistent. Now it's sounding funny. Loud. Replaced inverter coolant pump 5k miles ago. No warning lights on dash! Thanks!
It's really not cutting in and out, it's continuous for about 10 seconds. It's just sometimes the tea kettle sounds come in and out, making it sound like that. It's actually a continuous pump. You can replace the pump and you'll get rid of the tea kettle sound. But that pump only runs for 10 seconds at a time, do you really want to spend the money?
If you can sit in the car and with car off pump the brakes and you can hear that sound it’s the brake vac assist pump. Sounds like a rattle snake. You will hear that constantly. If you open the door first thing in the morning you will actuate that pump also. The engine is not always on to provide vacuum to the brakes so and ekectric pump is used. If it’s on all the time like SFO says the abs unit has a leak. Usually you will see dash codes and brakes will feel bad if that unit fails. It’s $$$$$$ Car must be new to you. If so read up on its quirks on this site. And if you searched you would see hundreds of hits on this also. Use search forum button on top of page.
Isn't it the thermos pump filling up the thermos with hot coolant for the next restart. His 07 has the thermos, right?
I hear that sound when I push the brakes while driving often, but this is not the sound I'm hearing right now!
I've had her for about 4 months now and this sound was more consistent when I first got her. After the cold weather hit is when it started to sound like it was struggling
Most likely the CHRS pump as stated earlier. The sound may occur when you start the car and shut-off the car, as these are the times when the CHRS pump is activated. Sometimes you will get the sound at both ON and OFF, or maybe just ON, or maybe at OFF. Most people live with it, as it is a $152 part (16290-21011), and does not affect performance/reliability. 2007 Toyota Prius Parts - Camelback Toyota Parts - Genuine OEM Parts - Free Shipping When the part fails, and triggers the CEL, then you will have to replace it, as you will no longer pass emissions.
Just a heads-up that there is a similarly described noise coming from the same region of the engine bay. It is often the coolant control valve. I am posting this because I thought my noise was the CHRS, but it really is the CCV.
The noise in the video in post #15 is actually the coolant control valve (as stated by the poster) hunting for its position and not finding it. That is, it has failed. It is not the "ABS going out".