Just drove ten hours to Lake Joseph in Canada with my wife and two kids. The car was awesome. But, my wife complained of the beeping everytime I touched the screen to do something. I have defeated the reverse beep and the seatbelt beep from the post here. Does anyone know how to defeat the touch screen beep? Thanks.
Very funny. I almost feel guilty for playing with my "toy" too much. It did wake up my kids sleeping in the back seat. Someone will figure this one out I am sure.
Comparing the responses form everyone including Hdrygas, it seems that this is something that should be customizable. Just like the other 'defeats'. I'm sure some poeple want it and want the responding beep and others want it to go away. now that you've posed the question, Johno, I'm sure someone is out there scouring the internet, the manual, or playing around in search of the answer.
I asked this question at service adviser today. they they told me NO WAY. Unless its early prodution car which it has interface with on off for the volumer inteface. future Now I have to deal with this beep because my prius Prii doesnt have this future
I don't recommend cutting the wire, just put a small dab of silicone RTV in the "mouth" of the pizeo buzzer. That'll shut it up but not permanently. If you sell the car and someone finds they want the buzzer just dig out the silicone. I would think its just under the front bezel.
you all can always try my solution...take advantage of a above average sound system (im referring to the standard setup) i cant hear any beeps at all.