Is there a private message function? I am trying to reach a member by start a conversation under his/her profile but have no reply yet. Am I doing it correctly? Thanks!
Most likely went through fine. If the other person doesn't have the various email notifications set up, they may not receive the PM until next login.
You can click on that member's profile and it will tell you how long it's been since they were logged in. If they've logged in since you PM's them, they might not be into the PM thing. You can also use the @ symbol followed by their login ID to "mention" them in a text - giving them another type of notification. i.e. @struequin
Good tips in the preceding comments. I my be that the member isn't getting the email because their address has changed or maybe their spam filter is hyper-active.
sorry for bring back this old thread, but when I try to "start a conversation" by clicking that under a users name, I get a page not found error. Has private messaging been removed?
That function has not been working for many users on this platform. Strangely it is not universal. Some users still can use this private message function. One workaround is if you have an android phone, the Android App for the PriusChat will allow to use the private message. Once the message is sent to the recipient, then you can exchange the message on a computer with any web browser. It is just the first initiation of sending a message link seems to be broken for some users, including me. Unfortunately, the PriusChat app is no longer available in Google App Store. You will have to side load the app to an Android phone using this APK link: PriusChat for Android - APK Download More info on this topic on this thread: How do I send a private message?
Sideloaded the app and can't start messages via the app either, how frustrating. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Guess what, I just tried to send you a PM from my phone APP. The page opened and I was able to compose the message but when I hit the send icon, I got the message shown below. "You may not start a conversation with the following recipients: SlambK" Is your profile setting under Privacy has "Start conversations with you: Members Only" checked? If not checked, then you can't receive any PM, I think. But, if your profile allows receiving PM, then you may be right that APP is not allowing me to send PM either. The same thing did happen recently when I was trying to send a PM to someone else. So I am now starting to doubt the APP's ability to send PM.
You should start to doubt the SITEs ability to do that. And you've been here long enough to KNOW that the owner does not have the desire or ability to fix anything. He does tinker with things occasionally and screw things up though.
Hmm, yeah I checked and that was the option already selected. Could be that some older accounts are grandfathered in and can send messages (via one way or the other)
That may be possible. It is strange that it does not affect everyone on the portal. In any case, it is very annoying that this does not get fixed. But I have very little hope that it will be fixed anytime soon or ever....