Valet Card Danny - I didn't get one when I took delivery. Dealer knows nothing about them. Dianne was going to send some to me but I think she forgot.
Well I tried the spanish translation at the car worked! Then I had to open up the hood show them the engine(s). This at a card wash where there is always at least two or three MB's BMW etc...
Wow, my shoddy Spanish translation really worked? So, when they read "Laugh at Tech-nerd for driving futuristic car" did they actually laugh at you? 8) Do you know of any changes that need to be made to it?
Yes it has worked a few times now! No I didn't get any "extra" laughs! I know not an ounce of Spanish so I can't offer any revisions.
I dont have the computer expertise to change the posted jpg file of the Spanish velet card with the new text.
Tag, did you make up the Spanish valet card? Someone over on the Yahoo toyota-prius group was asking about one so I provided a link to this thread. Do I have your permission to post the jpg on Yahoo, or would you prefer that I simply provide the link to this thread? Thanks!!!
Luis Perez at Toyota-prius Yahoo group had the following comments abou the Spanish valet card: Hi!!!! I saw a few mistakes in the translation. I was raised in Mexico, and some of those words are not used in Mexico; or the grammar is not correct. The items corrected for the file are shown below. El comenzar= Para Encender llave de relleno= Inserte la llave Presione el pedal de freno=Pise el pedal del freno Presione el boton de la power=Presione el boton con la etiqueta de "Power" Usted puede empezar a conducir despues de que siga habiendo la luz del "Ready" encendido=Tan pronto usted vea "READY" en el odometro ya puede conducir El cambiar de puesto=Para conducir Presione el pedal de freno=Pise el pedal del freno Compruebe la exhibicion para confirmar la posicion de la cambio=El cambio [D] o [R] se indica en el odometro Estacionamiento Presione el boton de parque de "P"=Presione el boton de estacionar [P] Presione el boton de la power=Presione el boton con la etiqueta de "Power" Saque la llave=Retire la llave
Here is a new version based on that latest text. I also speak no Spanish at all, so please let me know if I have any typos or if there are better wordings than that. (For example: odómetro obviously means "odometer" -- is that the best word to use to describe the dashboard display?)