This could not be fiction!! It is like a classic 1970 Rainier Beer commercial. Local radio and TV news is reporting a Black Bear who raided camp ground coolers for Beer. He was found "sleeping it off" after consuming several cases of beer. Later they set up a Bear trap but he turned his nose up a Bush Beer. They discovered most of the cans he drank were Rainier Beer (once a local Seattle Beer) so they baited the trap with Rainier he went in for a bit of hair of the dog (or is it bear) and was trapped. He will be taken up into the high Cascades and released. The only question is with a thirst like that and a connoisseurs tastes will be be back? God forbid anyone gives him a micro. Fat Tire, Moose Drool, will never get rid of him.
The story was picked up by CNN you might be able to catch it. I suspect this bear will need some aversion therapy.
Feed him a cheap american beer like Budweiser or a store brand, he'll never drink again. One would think a bear of a hangover would do it... (edited to fix spelling)
henry: i saw the newscast on KOMO 4. that was the funniest thing i ever saw... especially the part about when they tried other types of beer and the bear wouldnt touch em. the bear went from picnic table to picnic table and only took the Rainier! the bear was hung over a bit the next day... he did consume 36 cans of Rainier Beer!!
I bet the Rainer brewery folks are delighted. As they say, "You can't buy this kind of advertising!" Also, I'm willing to donate $30 towards purchasing that bear a small portable color TV and a couch. Then he could sit and enjoy the Olympics while drinking. "The Ranger isn\'t going to like it, Yogi..."
well actually there has been a website put up now to name the "beer bear" go to