My 2007 dark blue leather seats are not really worn out but have like most leather that is not preserved, developed light colored spots. Any suggestions for a product to restore the color of the spots? Or even just darken them a bit.
I can't think of anything right off hand because deceits aren't really leather there other materials or something and once they start to darken show spots split any of that you're pretty much heading for trouble that stuff needed to be started when the car was first put in place usually people have all these ideas and nothing ever materializes but even so for 19 years or longer not too bad I mean you can try all these leather creams and whatnot but you know I found it usually once it starts you're not going to stop it I have a 10 with nice leather interior and it's just starting to split and blah blah blah no matter what you do to it need to find some of this tuff tex material like that's in my 13 and make out of that SM-A715F ?
Not splitting, just surface spots. Will get a photo up later. There is a product called color-back but looks complicated to use.
I have what sounds like a similar problem with my lounge suite which also happens to be a very dark navy blue color. I went to a local shoe repair place and asked them what they had for covering/repairing scratches to leather shoes and they recommended Dasco shoe cream with beeswax (color 163 Navy). It is labeled as London, but on the bottom says made in France. The cream is not hard like regular shoe polish but is also not runny like a liquid car polish. I use a little on one of the arms to see how it went and I have to say I'm surprisingly happy with the end result. I was interested to see if there was any residual color transfer after it was applied and as long as you polish it off and then buff it well it seems to not be an issue. I'm not sure if you could get that exact stuff in the States, but you could maybe ask around if you have shoe repair places to see what they could recommend.
I finally got around to trying your shoe polish idea. I had some around the house in a close color. Took all of thirty minutes to do it. It worked GREAT!
Since that post, I went and did the whole lounge suite with the shoe cream putting more effort into the more worn areas and it also came up great. I followed up with a leather conditioner and finished with a wipe-off and buff. It was a lot of work but the results were well worth the effort. Glad you got good results too.
Ox blood.. just beware polish comes off on like clothes.. folks in white in summer. Etc.My Uncle Al was the shoe guy on Ave of America NY City.