In the light of day this looks better than what I thought I saw. I do not yet fit under the car - will find some wood to safely add under ramps. I need to measure the OD/ID. Still lacking needed ratchet extensions. Having the flange and stub removed and in hand would clarify the challenge. It does look like my concern about contact area might be unfounded. Tried to find diameters online. Still looking for them.
New twist. Last night surveillance camera showed more apparent theft. Have yet to determine what was taken. However. Now car is dead. Small battery intact, connected, and grounded. Nothing obviously removed under the hood. I am puzzled. Poor pictures seem to show something palm-sized or smaller removed from under car. Need to verify small battery voltage. Radio key has no effect. No lights anywhere. Hmmm.
From the photo, is there not enough room to put on a muffler clamp on forward piece? How does a new cat go on? Just do enough remediation to get some useable pipe. Seems your original idea is a good one, MacGyver a flexible pipe onto the existing cut piece through to muffler and drive on. Tape off O2 sensor wires.
What's the end game here if the car would start you could just start it and drive off like it is tie the muffler up so the pipe doesn't fall down and drag on the ground and the little stub of pipe sticking out of the manifold you're showing there with a cut You can just drive like that it'll be .. if you look at the schematic of the exhaust system you see it's the converter the silencer which shows you the order of the pieces in anywhere but California if you go to Menards or advance Auto parts and ask them to show you a catalytic converter that they would sell you for a Prius it'll be some thing marked for under 5000 pounds . It would look similar to the converter that came out of your car meaning it would be round and very similar sized with similar sized ends on each end of the converter that would slip over where the muffler shop would cut out your old not where the criminal did and then they would just tack in the new converter in place connect the rear pipe up to it and off you go what they're stealing out of your car is a lot more than the converter flexible pipe and all that is hunky dory but then you've got to keep it in the car clamps and whatnot the rattling. But if you're just trying to move and drive the car charge the 12 volt and start it up drive it Take it to a friend's house and roll it up on ramps You might be able to do a little something SM-A715F ?
Maybe if more people just replaced the missing cat with a straight pipe, the thieves would have nothing left to steal.
Well I think out west towards California and mess you can't really do that. I mean you can until the next inspection then it becomes a nightmare SM-A715F ?
This, and having my van stolen with all my possessions, the night before I left, was one of the final straws that made me leave Californy after ten years of insanity… oddly enough, before my cat was successfully stolen. I woke up one morning to find my Prius on a jack. I had spray painted my cat and inscribed “Quit smoking dope, before it’s too late” on it. Apparently, that got thru to someone. Putting your VIN doesn’t seem like a deterrent. I suppose you could also write “after market cat” too….I’m ashamed to admit I liked the sound of a Prius without a cat, going from stealth mode to extremely loud suddenly is fun. I’m about ready to cut off my own cats on my 2005 Pri and straight pipe them if this trend continues to move east. as most problems do
I wonder about making a mock catalytic converter out of cheap galvanized steel and hollow inside and on the inside surface print ‘sucker’, mounting it as a temporary pipe of course.
I may have caused some confusion here. Sorry about that. Imagine an alley exiting onto a street and you are turning right. You park right there on the street. Very early in the morning, the cat is stolen. You start the Prius, everything is normal, except for the roar. You back into the alley - because it seems safer to work away from traffic. You drive onto plastic ramps, with the passenger side very close to a tall wall. The thieves return and steal something small from beneath the car. At least this is a best guess from the surveillance snapshots. Now all the lights are dead. As though there was no small battery. But there is. And it is connected. The car is trapped on the ramps. I have managed to remove the ramps. To head off any complaints of people who live nearby. Now I must determine what has caused the change from running to dead. In a perfect world, in the end, I prevent future theft with a cat shield. Right now I just want to see the Prius light up so I can then proceed with investing more money into the car. The mechanical condition was very good before the thefts. That is sadly now in doubt. I admit to being baffled because I have yet to find anything missing other than the cat.
In a movie that would be satisfying. In real life, in my opinion, the risk is further vandalism. The thieves decide to leave you reminders of their displeasure. Broken windows, some dents, key scrapes. That sort of thing. Just to remind you who has the upper hand. To remind you they have power that they are unafraid to wield. Thankfully, thieves roughing up a car because things did not go the way they hoped is not widespread AFAIK.
Just go by any muffler shop out back in the buckets you'll see catalytic converters of all shapes and sizes pick one that looks like you're Prius . Knock the brick out of it . Get installed welded in place. This is what I have out east. Gutted cat removed Silencer or mid muffler resonator. Straight out. Sounds good no too loud . Like old Ansa ... Almost SM-A715F ?
I do enjoy scrounging, Tombukt. How could I have overlooked that? Thanks, T. Piecing something together will be much easier with material to choose from. It might be challenging to beat the metal pickers to it. We shall see.
I am imagining driving my car after discovering a dead person under it. I am wondering how often that would enter your mind after the event. Would you avoid telling your children, your wife, or your girlfriend - if you could manage to shield them from the knowledge? Or would you tell the kids hoping it is a lesson they will learn from? I lean toward keeping it under my hat. The fewer who know, the better.
First thing I would do is back out so that I could check to make sure he really is deceased. Never know. Maybe he's just injured and could use some medical aid.
Minor progress. Whatever they stole on the second pass *might* have drained the 12v battery. Charged it very slowly, 1.5 amp max. Sits at 12.25v in 50-degree room with nothing connected after 18 hours. No load test yet. Would like to see higher resting voltage. Battery seems very new. Have receipt from previous owner with no serial number on receipt. Date code never set on battery sticker. This replacement battery came from 2004-09 Toyota Prius Hybrid Auto Repair | Hybrid Battery Repair At least that is what the receipt says. It does not have a drain hose. Looks like AGM. Hmmm. Car now starts. MFD shows good number of blue bars. Will use Torque to investigate further. Disconnected 12v battery to prevent more drain. Can now return to the main challenge.
Finally came across a YouTube video which almost gives a clear accounting of the pipe sizes involved.