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Duracell 12v "Prius" battery

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by rifis, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. Easy Rider 2

    Easy Rider 2 Senior Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Ocala, FL
    2013 Prius c
    Wth ARE you talking about ??
    No, never mind.
    This is ridiculous.
  2. GregP507

    GregP507 Senior Member

    Apr 5, 2014
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Since you asked...
    It's customary to back up your arguments and claims with facts and rationale. Simple denial, re: "you're wrong," just doesn't have any value.
  3. Easy Rider 2

    Easy Rider 2 Senior Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Ocala, FL
    2013 Prius c
    I have done that many times, in various ways and you just ignore everything that I am saying.

    The "facts and rationale" behind it is: About 8 years of training and 45 years of experience in the exact field we are talking about.

    But you ignore that too.

    I think you are just being an A S S and it needs to stop.
  4. GregP507

    GregP507 Senior Member

    Apr 5, 2014
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    There you go again, asserting and hoping it will stick. Most people, when they disagree, deal in the currency of facts and evidence, eventually sorting it out, if you have the patience.
  5. nortin13

    nortin13 New Member

    Jan 25, 2016
    2010 Prius
    The duracell battery from batteries plus does have the exact port for the vent tube, for a 179.00$ price and a solid 4 year totally replace warrenty , made in USA also! Just put one in the wifes prius and both are back to there zippy selves. Duracell totally works
    bisco likes this.
  6. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius
  7. rifis

    rifis Junior Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    2010 Prius

    After the advice received in response to my opening post, I replaced my original Toyota 12v with a freshly purchased Duracell 12v in early January 2015.

    I'm now on my 2nd/second Duracell battery, and it's working fine!
  8. sillylilwabbit

    sillylilwabbit Active Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    Los Angeles
    2014 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base

    What do you mean 2nd Duracell battery?

    Original battery: Toyota
    Replacement battery: Duracell
    2nd Duracell battery: first Duracell died and you got a replacement? (Warranty)?

    iPhone ?
  9. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    i forgot how funny this thread was.:cool:
    Bumyam and m.wynn like this.
  10. rifis

    rifis Junior Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    2010 Prius
    Sorry. Yes, I could have been a little clearer.

    Let us go back 1 year. Everyone here at PC advises "replace". So (as in "therefore" - I was born before 1965), I go to my local BatteriesPlus store - early January 2015. They have 1 Duracell AGM51P “Prius” 12v in stock. $179, including installation. Plus, a $10 mail in rebate coupon. Their battery tester reads 12.54v, and “recharge”. I was in the dark about batteries then, knowing just 1 thing: 100% SOC OCV should be 12.80v or higher for this battery.

    The owner tells me: …”everything is fine; we just need to top it up a little; come by tomorrow, and we’ll have it ready”. I ask if “...it will read 12.80 or higher after sitting off charge overnight?”, and he tells me" yes".

    That sounded fine. After all,12.54 is just trivially less than 12.80.

    Next morning, I stop by, and battery is brought out front from back room. 13.39v. Surprised, I ask if was on charge overnite. “We forgot to take it off”. Constrained by time, I agree to have it installed then, after store owner assures me it will meet/exceed the previously discussed 12.80v - once I get it home, installed, and wait the appropriate time. He then leaves.

    Manager takes over. At this point, I remember reading, here, that batteries usually come w/date code stamped on case. We both look for it. Nothing stamped, but I see a small sticker bearing “E4”. I ask “What’s this?” Manager says “May 2014. That’s when the CASE was made. You can’t tell when the BATTERY was made. I accept it as true. We go outside (I recollect upper 20’s(F), with stiff breeze) to the car. I had already disassembled the trunk, for access to the original Toyota 12v. In the parking lot, manager languidly swaps it out for the Duracell in 10 minutes flat. Using hand tools. Preserves all settings. I had seen guys on Youtube do it in 4 minutes, but they used power tools. Back inside to sign the paperwork. He hooks up his battery tester to the (removed) Toyota 12v (in service from 08/09), and announces “Oh, it’s fine!” I consider referring him to this thread, but instead just mutter thanks, and leave.

    Next morning: measure 12.56v at terminals. Fully charge it w/smart charger; let it sit. 12.66v. Yes, it’s not 77 degrees F in the garage (it’s 61F), and yes, it’s not a true OCV, but something is wrong.

    I do some reading. Look at AGM temperature compensated OCV vs. SOC tables, read about typical AGM self-discharge rates and intricacies of load testing, and scan relevant pages at http://www.dekabatteries.com/assets/base/0139.pdf and Car and Deep Cycle Battery FAQ, Battery Manufacturers and Brand Names List, and Then I contact 2 highly respected (and knowledgeable) PC All Stars for some advice and education.

    I contact the manufacturer and speak to someone familiar w/the Duracell licensing arrangement. He confirms the “May 2014” sticker indicates the BATTERY manufacture date. He tells me “a fully charged AGM battery will be in the 12.75-12.80 range”. AND, he says “As long as the battery didn’t drop below 12.4 (!), you should not see any change in longevity or performance. He is made aware my battery was SITTING on the shelf at 12.54v (depth of discharge somewhere between 25 and 50 percent, not a transient brief drop, but likely from a slow, sustained self-discharge), but he sticks by his story.

    Speak to store owner: he now disavows any acceptance of 100% SOC OCV of 12.80 (or higher) for the battery, insisting the minimum 100% SOC voltage for this AGM battery is 12.5v. I take pains to emphasize that it’s an AGM battery, and recount our previous conversations. He proceeds to describe all the training and continuing education he receives from BatteriesPlus HQ. He assures me the battery is fresh and healthy; “we check them regularly”. He chants: “12.5 or higher, it’s fine”. I give up and leave, spotting the nice biographical plaque detailing his prior service to our country ( Military Police, at a base in Che’mani) as I walk out the front door.

    I re-contact BatteriesPlus’ direct supplier – the manufacturer. I said it was highly likely that the Duracell 12v whichBatteriesPlus sold me sat on a BatteriesPlus shelf in an unacceptably low state of charge for many months, and thus undoubtedly suffered irreversible degredation of original rated capacity. The rep’s response: You have a 4 year warranty from BatteriesPlus. My response: I would like a healthy new battery.

    AND, I pointed out to the factory rep that BatteriesPlus’ warranty includes the statements: “Claim processing may require product charging/analysis that can take up to 24 hours.(!) Warranty protection does NOT cover overcharging OR UNDERCHARGING, or cost for recharging or use of rental battery or vehicle, or labor costs for battery removal and installation”. The polar opposite of seamless warranty protection. How is the hapless owner of a Duracell auto battery in need of warranty replacement even going to get home from the BatteriesPlus store?

    When I read this to him, he apologizes, claiming he didn’t know BatteriesPlus' warranty included these onerous details.. Interesting: at the Driveduracell website, hundreds of (largely independent) locations for purchase of Duracell auto batteries are listed for some upper Eastern Seaboard states, like MD. Yet, zero locations LISTED for most NE states. Though ALL of BatteriesPlus' many hundreds of locations, in all crevices of the US, carry them. Including here in northern NJ. Probably Driveduracell's single largest account, hands down. The manufacturer is sufficiently involved in the sale of “Duracell” auto batteries at BatteriesPlus for the factory rep to instantly know that BP gives a 4/four year warranty. The manufacturer warranties the battery just for 2 years. I believe same battery, from same manufacturer, w/same specs, is also sold under other brand names elsewhere.

    I tell him I'm hopeful a good final outcome can be reported here on these pages. He had already received an e-mailed link to this thread.

    He responds by saying: the factory “didn’t guarantee” a battery would be shipped to BatteriesPlus’ warehouse in Wisconsin with a minimum 12.80v OCV … there are “variances and tolerances to consider” at which point I abruptly cut him off (reluctantly – he had a gentlemanly phone demeanor). I tell him I completed all I had to say, and would “simply move on. Thank you “. A brief moment of silence, followed by me lowering my phone to my desk. Just as my thumb was beginning to depress the “off” button, I heard a sound (prompting me to pause), followed by “let me make a call, and see what I can do”. He called back 10 minutes later, saying the store had a Jan. 2015 AGM51P with OCV 12.84v to swap out for the one in my car. I thanked him, and asked who would bear the cost for the replacement – the store or the manufacturer? He declined to answer, saying “does it really matter ?” I told him the store/company was at fault, not the manufacturer. I suspect the manufacturer bore the expense.

    I was back at the store in 20 minutes. The owner was livid, but vocally restrained. He repeatedly intoned “It is what it is, but we’ll do what they want". My multimeter read 12.85v. Drove home. After overnite rest: 12.91v. Continues to behave well. Monthly juice from CTEK MUS 4.3, as I’m still in relatively low weekly mileage mode.

    Also interesting - I’ve seen several PC members (including senior members) advise the following: If your newly purchased 12v Prius battery is discovered to be partially discharged upon receipt, the action you should take is to fully charge it prior to installation.

    Hope that clears things up.
    #50 rifis, Jan 29, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2016
    Coqui and ftl like this.
  11. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    wow, thanks for elaborating.:cool:
    #51 bisco, Jan 29, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2016
  12. Stangar

    Stangar Active Member

    Jul 13, 2011
    Palmdale, CA
    2011 Prius
    It was a good read. Exciting, heartbreaking, intrigue, denial, excuses, revenge, happiness. It had it all.

    I can't wait for the movie.
    Coqui, m.wynn, edthefox5 and 2 others like this.
  13. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk EGR Fanatic

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    A battery retailer should have something more than just multimeter to test batteries. There are a new range of "smart" load testers, that will show the voltage and Cold Cranking Amps.

    One prosumer level product of that ilk is the Solar BA5. You enter the spec'd CCA, and also the battery type, ie: Regular, AGM, etcetera. It does a test and displays the actual CCA, plus recommendation: either "good", or "good but recharge and retest" or "bad, replace".

    When I recently purchased a battery at Canadian Tire, they had on hand a pro level tester of that sort, and were willing to test the battery and show me the results. It was fine.
  14. rifis

    rifis Junior Member

    Dec 28, 2014
    2010 Prius
    To be fair to BatteriesPlus, the store did have, and use, a battery tester that did measure CCA. I don’t remember (nor did I ever know – I paid no attention at the time) if it was the Solar BA5 described above.

    The first Duracell 12v they installed originally read “recharge” on their tester because the measured CCA was below the threshold triggering “recharge”.

    I left out of my story the fact that, prior to final resolution of the battery problem, but after some reading, I had contacted BatteriesPlus HQ. To complain about my first Duracell battery. The fact that its original, off the shelf voltage was 12.54v. Thus boding poorly for long-term battery health. Their response: “…the store can do a load test to resolve any questions”.

    As alluded to above, the old, original Toyota 12v which BatteriesPlus removed from my car had read “good” on their tester, once it was carried back into the store. "Good" was based on the measured CCA. Even though its capacity was but a small fraction of its original rated capacity. As was obvious to a few experienced PC posters on page 1 of this thread.

    So when BP HQ proposed I return to the store for a load test on Duracell battery #1, I remember thinking: “ If my (bad) Toyota battery read ‘good’ on the load test, the test is worthless for providing assurance the battery is healthy”.

    My concern at purchase was fully preserved original rated capacity. I had originally , naively, thought that OCV after “full charge” was an accurate surrogate for battery health.

    Implicit in many threads I’ve seen here is that load testing by a “battery tester” provides reasonable insight into what Prius owners are most concerned about: capacity. Even though load testing by the battery testers discussed is what www.batteryfaq.org calls ‘performance load testing’. Measuring the ability to produce high current. Very different from ‘capacity load testing’ described at the site. And who is going to severely deep cycle his car battery to perform capacity load testing? Especially if the battery will be used in the car after testing.

    Consider my original Toyota battery. “Good” by handheld tester. Based on CCA. “Toast” by edthefox5. post#7. Ed was right.

    At least, that’s how I see it. I’m a novice, as should be clear from my OP. I’d be interested in what others say. Especially some EE heavyweights.
  15. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius
    12.6 is a very good charge for a battery on a parts store shelf. I would be pleased by that. It should be able to charge up quickly on a 2 amp charger. Most 12 volt battery live at that voltage. You'll never see anything higher than 12.6 ---12.7 in a Prius.

    2 best ways imho to check a battery. On a 2 amp charger observe charging rate. How long before the meter shows 0 draw. Do it often on your car battery and you'll see how it behaves.

    Or put a load meter across it. I have one and the second I suspect my battery is not right I load cycle it. Takes 5 seconds. And does not hurt the battery. Those meters are all really cheap now Harbor Freight $21.99. Big ole toaster coils.

    New Battery Load Tester 100 Amp Load Type 6V 12V Mechanics 6 12 Volt Car Truck | eBay

    I found one years ago on ebay for $10.
  16. David Brydon

    David Brydon Junior Member

    Feb 17, 2016
    Mc Gregor, TX
    2007 Prius
    Duracell Ultra Platinum AGM Group 51 Battery looks great for my prius

    I followed the instructions at priusdiy to find that my battery was showing 13.9 volts but would quickly drain to 10 volts and dropping under the load of the headlights. 6 times over a few weeks we had to jump start the car. I ended up getting the Duracell Ultra Platinum AGM Group 51 Battery for my 2007 Toyota Prius Touring Edition with Smart Key from Batteries Plus with a 10% off coupon online that they had in stock at my local store at Batteries Plus. the first salesman said they could not install it because of an issue with the hold down. I called back to ask about shipping time, and got the manager who told me they had it in stock right there and that he would replace it himself and could work with me if there were any liability issues. I bought it online for a price much lower than any other battery for this car. drove down and he got in there and worked too get it out and the new one in. I held a flashlight and helped him. we got it done in less than one half hour. the battery was identical in shape to the factory battery that was in the car. the air vent hole was in the same place and easily put in. this battery is made in USA unlike the Optima made in Mexico and carries a 4 year warranty. there are Batteries Plus in all the states and towns I travel to regularly. so I am super happy to have had free installation that I got to see and participate in and to have a battery that seems of this quality for the best price around. the bracket nuts were 10 millimeter and he put a rubber glove over the negative cable after he disconnected it to electrically isolate it. we had to wiggle some of the plastic parts around the battery to get them out, and he put CRC terminal cleaner to free the positive terminal connection which was corroded in place.
    Georgina Rudkus likes this.
  17. WickedV

    WickedV Junior Member

    Apr 19, 2017
    Los Angeles
    2012 Prius
    Yes, both the Duracell and this one have a vent port.

    Ordered the Duracell, seems they are on back order? No delivery date either, 4 to 6 months?

    Use a

    ACDelco Gold B24R 24 Month Warranty Hybrid Vehicle AGM BCI Group 51 Battery

    From Amazon, no core and can often find a good price, $160.00 ish? If you have prime, well, shipping is free.

    Has an okay warranty at 2 years, this last one went 3.5 years and just now my car is doing erratic things like, rear view cam will not turn off, plays music when it should not, reads 12.2 in diagnostics, the strange idiosyncrasies that should not be be are tell tale signs the 12 VDC battery is on it's last legs.

    Did want to try the Bunny one, but having an actual delivery date, well, went back to AC Delco, know they work.

    Oh, 2012 Prius 3
  18. WickedV

    WickedV Junior Member

    Apr 19, 2017
    Los Angeles
    2012 Prius
    Day after Christmas day, also a national holiday, well in England or anywhere the queen is recognized?
    bisco likes this.