What maint. activiity should i take care before starting? I have over 95K on my car, maint. it regularly..oil changed every 10K. What other pre-cautions should i take to drive 1700miles during X'mas break?
You say you are in AZ, if that is Tuscon, winter won't affect you much, but Flagstaff, I would change to snow tires. Which way are you driving, Idaho Falls, Idaho will be having winter. You might need chains. Midland Texas, not a worry.
Thank you all for your feedback. I completed my adventure from IL to AZ over 2 nights/3days. Fortunately didn't face any issues. Before i started, checked tires, they recommended to replace it since thread level's were low. I thought of taking risk since there was no snow or rain. Overall it worked well. Only thing i noticed my MPG dropped from 52+ to 46. Otherwise all good. Thanks for suggestions and recommendations.