English shares the ability to combine words and word fragments to make a new word. The COVID-19 advocates need an accurate label or tag. So my first thoughts: trolliars, covikillers, propacovidists, … foolickers. Any other suggestions? The facts and data are readily available. It isn’t education but their death-cult, liars. Bob Wilson
"advocates" ?? I think stupid just about covers it. There seems to be a LOT of "worship of false idols" developing these days. Satan must be laughing his nice person off.
Which group is being addressed here? The title suggests that it's those who deny that COVID is a problem. The first post instead talks makes fun of "COVID advocates", which is not a term that I've heard but sounds like someone who advocates getting COVID??? Personally, I see no reason to make up new slurs for a group (the pandemic deniers) because they already have a heavy burden to bear. It's not easy to get by in this world if you can't think clearly.
Not only does The rural parts of the country have a drug problem they now have a shrinking population due to pandemic problem COVID is changing Trump country: Alabama's population shrinks for the first time in history | Salon.com Given the subtext that most Covid deaths seem to align with a particular population it isn’t hard to stretch an eventual changing of the guard if the pandemic continues a few more years My own state has redrawn its election map into snake shapes so the 40% minority population can keep a 2/3 majority in our assembly and court, expect more dirty tricks as fear of power loss heightens further
I believe the word you are looking for is portmanteau: port·man·teau /ˌpôrtˈmantō/ noun 1. a large trunk or suitcase, typically made of stiff leather and opening into two equal parts. 2. a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others, for example motel (from ‘motor’ and ‘hotel’) or brunch (from ‘breakfast’ and ‘lunch’). "podcast is a portmanteau, a made-up word coined from a combination of the words iPod and broadcast" The last couple of years have taught me that there are no "wrong" opinions, everyone's entitled to believe what they think are the best "facts". Muh rights!
Well that used to be true. Now, however........ Those who can't seem to think clearly are banding together and commanding more political and social power than they deserve. SO.....if you are stupid, do you KNOW that you are stupid ?? Likely not. Sad. And dangerous.
I keep thinking of the "B Ark" (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy). If there is a conspiracy, maybe someone bent on culling the gullible of the world, they've got themselves a great vehicle for doing it.
The Captain in the tub for three years, "It's probably time I was getting out of this bath in fact. Oh, I don't know though, why stop just when I'm enjoying it." The eventual outcome of COVID-19 for planet Earth may very well be Darwinian.
We were at a local Walmart two nights ago around 8:30 pm and walked by the pharmacy which was still open. My 16 year old son just became eligible (Dec 4 being 6 months from last Pfizer). Lined up in the short line and "Can he get his booster"? "Which one"? "Pfizer". Tech asks the Pharmacist and comes back. "Yes we have one last dose available". Done. He was sore the next morning due to exercise, having braces adjusted, plus the shot, but was still alive and kicking. Now the whole household is boosted, including me, who has to say/fill out "I might faint on you".... REVVL V+ 5G ?
excerpt from The cognitive science of COVID-19: Acceptance, denial, and belief change - ScienceDirect "Brains lack firewalls between cognition and emotion, and much psychological and neurological evidence supports the view that their thinking intermixes thoughts and feelings." The whole thing is worth reading IMO, but it is long and follows an academic style. == For much of human history, intermixing of thoughts and feelings has been the best available approach. A feature, not a bug. But rational science, technology, and wide and fast communication channels have changed the map right underneath us. What's a bag of neurons to do? We still have feelings (may they never cease) and they are tied to comfort and group identification. Any 'rationalist' will have occasion to reject ideas that seemed appealing yesterday, but today are refuted by preponderance of evidence. Any 'rationalist' will mourn the loss at least briefly. It's feelings, man. But we are obliged to move on, because yo the map changes. I reckon this is open to misinterpretation by those less rational (is that insulting?). "Those other folks over there are flip floppers - they don't believe in anything". Wrong I'd say because rationalists believe in the underlying value of preponderance of evidence, more so than yesterday's no-longer-supported idea. But this mental flexibility runs counter to emotion and a particular view of self confidence. If instead one subscribes whole-heartedly to a group, emotions are comfortably confirmed, and cognition can sit in the back rows. This is a world full of scarcely understandable things, and for many there is no pleasure in contemplating the abyss. Scientists don't make it easier They (we) are most comfortably at home speaking with the like-minded using long made-up words. It is exclusionary and probably more so than it needs to be. Science is often taught by people who don't really get it, to those (age 8 to 18, let's say) who are building their own brains. Science may be best seen as a vast playground, where the most fun games require players to work hard at developing their skills. Leave teaching of that to non-players, and see where that gets ya. I feel more at home talking about how science under performs in revealing this vast playground, that in talking about comfort coming from staying more on the emotions side, and letting group leaders do thinking for the group. Anyway, this is long enough.
that makes sense. there is also the problem of understanding. no matter how the media tries to describe how an mnra vaccine works, most don't understand it. you simply have to trust it. or not. science can be wrong at any given moment in time, which also complicates things. statistics are a whole nuther problem. and lack of data transparency
If humans had a better working ability with long term risk assessment, then we would not have cigarettes and credit cards to deal with.
... or abuse of prescription drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol, abuse of speed & other vehicular laws .... the list of risk assessment is nearly endless. 10's of thousands die every year or are permanently injured from just this very very short list above. And little gems like these don't just discriminate among the ancient, the infirmed, & immune compromised. So - next time any of us scoots down the road - maybe 5 miles or so over the speed limit, or even finds their self driving drowsy ... are we too - not members of the semantical death cult liars ~ risking both ourself & others? .
It's easier to "other" people when you're politically (or financially, religiously, etc...) motivated.