The brake drums on my 2018 Prius C seem more rusted than one would expect after less than two years and 15,000 miles -- even in the snowy/salty Northeast. I had a 2008 Prius for ten years (also in New England) that I don't remember having rusted so soon. Also, I've seen posts in this forum from other owners (also in snowy places) who say their Prius with more years and miles than mine haven't had a lot of rust. The service director at Toyota told me that the rust is normal and not a problem and that there is nothing to be done about it now, or to prevent future rust. That seems plausible, but I would appreciate anyone weighing in on whether this seems normal/expected; if it's dangerous, and; if there is anything that could/should be done about it. The attached photos are from 03/31/21 (1st photo) and 12/02/21. I purchased the car new in August 2018. It is parked uncovered in a driveway. After storms, snow is removed from the driveway within hours. It has been driven minimally in snow, however, there is, of course, salty mush on the roads for days after it snows. I wash it after there's been a lot of snow/salt but not very regularly otherwise (it's dark gray and doesn't need it often). Thanks!
Absolutely normal. Not to worry. NOW.....if you REALLY like to worry about things like this, the next time you are in a service shop, ask them to let you see the entire underside of your car. You might have a stroke at the sight of all that rust.
toyota doesn't waste any energy on places rust won't cause a serious problem, but sometimes brakes are a trouble spot. it's usually discs though
Rust on the outside of the drums is normal. rust on the inside of the drum, especially the drum lining where the shoe makes contact is the important part of the drum you want to keep rust free. If only worried about appearance, you can always paint the outside of the drums, like many paint their disk brake calipers for appearance. Just don't get paint on the linings, shoes and other working parts around the hubs..
OP has Prius C, so discs in front, drums in rear. (just saying, posted in wrong subforum) Nothing to worry about from the photos.
Thanks a lot for your response. I spent some more time with Google and think that maybe my previous cars had disc brakes and/or more occlusive hubcaps, because I don't remember ever noticing what, I have now learned, is very common.
Just figured it out: OP's mis-posted, has a Prius c. For the rusty drums, maybe a super-thin application of anti-seize compound? I use that on hub faces, every time the wheels are off.
Your location (Maine) gets abundant road salt I’d think. If rust bugs you, consider raising the car for a look see. I’ve had good results with boiled linseed oil, just brushed on. Even over existing rust, stops it dead.