This might help: P3027 Engine Trouble Code - P3027 OBD-II Diagnostic Powertrain (P) Trouble Code |
or it could be something absolutely crazy like Block 17 becomes weak, which means your HV battery has detected a weak condition in Block17. A Gen 1 HV battery has 38 individual battery modules, similar to how a flashlight may have 2 individual batteries inside. They're monitored in sets of two, and each set is called designated as a 'block'. There are '19' blocks in a Gen 2. The computer is continuously monitoring them to provide warning if anything abnormal pops up. P3027 means it detected an abnormal voltage on Block 17.
That's mostly a good example of why Google is not a good way to find the meanings of car trouble codes. You can kind of get away with it if the code is in one of the "SAE defined" ranges, the same for every car. But for codes in the "manufacturer defined" or "jointly defined" (like any P3xxx) ranges, you're just likely to end up finding useless information about what the code means in some completely different car. So you can hit that random web page above and be told that either P3027 has something to do do with your gas cap, or with a crankshaft position sensor. Or you can look it up in the Prius repair manual (more info) and learn that it means the 17th block (33rd and 34th NiMH modules, counting from the ECU end) inside your traction battery pack has deteriorated. Following the random web information could lead you on a pretty good wild goose chase.
Unbelievably or maybe so, someone cut out my brand new cat, heartbreaking, not sure if progressive would cover it but then again, only had the policy about a month and a half and thinking of not reporting it to them even if they do, any suggestions on reporting to insurance or not??
code P3027 reappeared and there was an exhaust smell with it too, there is a company in my area that will come and recondition for $1900, the car has 81000 miles pretty good condition in and out but is $1900 worth it?? it's my daughters first car, thanks! cleared the engine code but engine light stays on, she said the christmas tree lights came on also
You could spend the $1900, but the repair might only last a month or two. Best option is a new Toyota battery, which is about the same price plus any additional cost for installation.
it is warranted for 12 months(actual price $1761) and a brand new generation cell battery is a total of $2471 with a 48 month warranty remanufactured cells $1981 24 month warranty
The reoccurring P3027 code is all you need to get the battery repaired/replaced under warranty. Best to contact the manufacturer right away. I should also mention, once you have an after market battery, it can't be exchanged as a core for a new Toyota battery, but it's still good as a core for another after market battery.
Look up the Green Bean company. I'm fairly certain they have a lifetime warranty option for not overly insane prices.
hey thanks for the lead on GBC! They are $1941 with installation minus taxes, just researching them to ensure they are pretty reputable
there were 5 BBB complaints against them but they did respond, most were about the battery being dead upon installation and they state up front no refunds, they responded in detail that they offered to come back and reinstall another battery but customers used abusive language in their reaction to not being satisfied
is there a difference between reconditioned and a remanufactured hybrid battery? if so, which is better?
I think of 'reconditioned' as a battery that's gone through deep discharge and charge cycles to bring back its capacity. This can be done periodically with the proper load and grid charger at home, or at a hybrid battery shop. A remanufactured battery is completely disassembled and rebuilt, replacing any warn, faulty, or corroded components, to bring it back to 'as-new' condition, but with used, reconditioned, matched, and balanced original Toyota modules. Some shops also have an option for new third party modules. The only way to get new OEM Toyota modules is to purchase a new pack from Toyota.
would it be smarter to get my engine light diagnosed by toyota? or just get another battery? the inverter light came on also, I was set up with the green bean team too come out Friday but I just have a feeling that might not be the only thing and I've sunk money into my daughters first car and also, what if toyota can not reproduce that code? its been cleared
It would be rare to find a dealership (Toyota or otherwise) that will give you better service than you can get elsewhere. Dealerships truly have no special magic. But they do have 101 ways of opening your wallet even if they don't fix your issues. Look around / ask around for a locally owned, independent shop that has special expertise in Prius / hybrids. Most areas have them by now. This means not just some general purpose auto repair place and certainly not any kind of "chain store" operation or dealership. A place where the person/family who started the shop also runs the shop and lives where you live. Take it to a place like that for evaluation and advice.