3D Prius C Model (+ live-in mod)

Discussion in 'Prius c Main Forum' started by beetnerk, Nov 24, 2021.

  1. beetnerk

    beetnerk New Member

    Aug 29, 2021
    2013 Prius c
    Kind of a weird question, but I'm trying to modify my Prius C to live out of full time and I was wondering if anyone has taken the time to make a CAD model of their Prius C before? If not I'll go ahead and take whatever measurements I can from my Prius C to throw together my design. I have a pretty good idea of what I want and I tend to get very focused when I get an idea so the build will likely be done before the weekend and I can update with photos of the design and all the CAD photos if they happen tonight so anyone else can replicate or use my design for ideas/measurements. The design is based off the back seat folded down and the spare tire being easily accessible btw.
  2. beetnerk

    beetnerk New Member

    Aug 29, 2021
    2013 Prius c
    For anyone interested! And yes, I fit! It's really comfortable and my dog loves it (for size reference he's a Great Pyrenees mix and 90 lbs)
    IMG_0175.jpg IMG_0177.jpg IMG_0182.JPG
    #2 beetnerk, Dec 2, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
  3. beetnerk

    beetnerk New Member

    Aug 29, 2021
    2013 Prius c
    For anyone interested! And yes, I fit! It's really comfortable and my dog loves it (for size reference he's a Great Pyrenees mix and 90 lbs)

    I took out all the foam/carpet over the spare tire, took out the top of the back seat, and built a platform so that the battery vent is fully uncovered (and also so it's easier for my dog to get up and I have somewhere to sit). I can take more pictures of the setup underneath the platform since I have bungee cords on the sides of the platform to hold in emergency equipment + hang paper towels and I'm stocking with food, water, etc. All my skydiving stuff and my climbing harness/chalk/shoes sits under the platform on the back seat, the medicine and hygiene uner the platform on the floor with the one week dog food supply, my climbing rope, tent, and tent pad are on the opposite side of my emergency stuff and toolkit where the exposed seat is for ease of access. One thing I like is that everything can be very easily found and reached.

    Best part? When I'm driving my dog clips in to the hooks behind where the back rest of the rear seat was (his leash has a carabiner cause he ate the loop as a puppy) and he'll rest his head on my shoulder while we drive. 10/10 love this design and it's lightweight enough to make sure I'm still getting 50-60 mpg city 45-55 mpg highway.

    I'm installing a mirror atm and making reflictix window panels for the back of the car with black gaffer tape on one side so I can heat/cool my car while it's parked during the day and save myself leaving the car on. My dog does tend to generate quite a bit of heat but that's only a plus in the winter :)

    Total price: $25 (Rescued the plywood from a friend tearing down an old shed, 4 2x3s from Lowe's, cloth+curtains (curtains only in stripped photo) from goodwill, carpet from $4 worth of floor mats from Dollar Tree, same for hanging light, memory foam used for pad found in someone's trash)

    I mostly took videos to create a quick tiktok/instagram video which I can link once it gets created IMG_0152.jpg