There's a document on one of the Yahoo Prius groups that describes all the dealer-settable options for the car. One of them in the lighting category is called "SENSITIVITY", which looks like maybe it's the setting for the dash/wheel lights. But I'm not sure. Here's the description from the document: NAME: SENSITIVITY DESCRIPTION: (Turn ON luminous intensity) To adjust the sensitivity of the lighting illumination. DEFAULT: NORMAL SETTINGS: LIGHT2/LIGHT1/NORMAL/DARK1/DARK 2 The illumination of the buttons on my steering wheel is too dim for me to read them, while the buttons surrounding the MFD are nice and bright. Has anyone asked their dealer to change this setting, and does it do what I'm hoping it does?
According to the other threads, there is no way to change the brightness of the steering wheel buttons. People are working on ways to change that.
Hmmm, I wonder what those lighting settings are for then. I'll have to ask the service tech about them when I go in for my first oil change. If I find out anything really cool, I'll post it here. B)