C1241 - Low or High Power Supply Voltage C1300 - Skid Control ECU Malfunction 2016 Gen4. OBD codes downloaded via Carista diagnose. I have no apparent flaws, no warning lights, no messages... Should I be concerned?
Could that somehow be on a screen of history codes? If those are current codes, I'd also expect dash lights.
same exact thing just happened to me… 2016 gen 4, plugged in Carista (finally disabled the reverse beep ) and it threw those two codes… you ever get any more information?
Have the 12v Battery tested. If its on its way out funny things can happen with all of the modules and sensors cars have in them now.
i'm having a similar issue with my 2017 prime advanced. we bought ours used from carvana. had the battery tested, and the voltage is fine, although it's not the exact correct battery model.