future owner of a prime

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by 0ddj0b, Oct 11, 2021.

  1. 0ddj0b

    0ddj0b New Member

    Oct 11, 2021
    2022 Prius Prime
    Hello all, great community!
    I just put a pre-order down for a '22 prime base model.

    I'm in Canada so supply issues mean I may not have it until the new year

    This is my 2nd new car I will be purchasing. A little background info on me and my situation.

    I bought a new '12 civic, has been great. Only used it for leisure and roadtrips, so it has relatively low KMs for the year. I'm only sharing that bit of info because due to its light use and great condition I will be able to get a good return on it, as compared to last year. Possibly higher in the future, it's great on gas and I do wish I could keep it until it died, but having switched over to the gig economy I can see value in selling it now while its high in resale value, and switching over to the PP.
    I didn't really plan to sell the Honda, but rideshare companies require cars no older than 9 years.
    Sorry if that sounded like an ad to sell my car here, I'm not trying to do that, just explaining the happenings.

    It just wouldn't make sense to get another gas only car, and I'm not interested in beta testing unpolished luxury boxes.
    Excluding android auto as a feature for the higher trim made no sense to me. Leather and better speakers are nice but Android compatibility is an ultra must, plus the large tablet screen looks awful imo, and wow, capacitive buttons, I thought those went out of style in the early 2000's.

    Of course the Rav4 Prime is the #1 option, but from the dealers here it sounds like one might get the 2023 before the 2022.

    I didn't really haggle on the Civic when I bought it new as I got a small hookup bringing the price a tiny bit down, and I haven't yet had the opportunity (or I'm not sure if that's advisable) to haggle with Toyota. I'm not sure how one would haggle without the car itself being available, not sure if that works in favour of the buyer or seller.

    Overall I had a great experience with Honda, so I'm hoping for the better or the same from Toyota.

    I've done my research, but as this is another pretty big purchase for me I have a few questions/concerns. More rhetorical. Of course the ~8-10 year warranty has conditions, and does give a peace of mind, and overall I do trust the Toyota brand for reliability. I dont think I'm buying a lemon but I grow concerned that covid has not just delayed, but changed operations in some way to become more efficient or meet demand, compromising batches for a few years. Everything obviously passes all checks, and I have no doubt they're super rigorous in every step of every supply chain, but these are sort of unprecedented times and mistakes of today may not reveal themselves until 3, 4, 5 years, who knows? Or maybe just after the warranty.
    Another concern is if it just doesn't arrive in time, but this is not yet an issue.
    Another question that I would have answered myself had the Prime model been available for demo is, well, I know that the "AC mode before you enter" is mapped to the fob, but I'm reading mixed reports online that it's the HVAC unit, so I'm wondering if I can instead heat the car for 10 mins if the dials are set in the right way. (Canada)
    Another question is: exactly how much "hp" does it generate? I feel it has to be higher than what is in the specs, in power mode and ICE engaged it's pretty quick and responsive, has anyone ran it on a dyno?

    Of course recalls happen all the time to all companies but these are especially unique times, and I didn't have these concerns when buying the Civic, I didn't even test drive it because a few family members had civics as well so I knew exactly how it handled.

    Due to limited availability I was only able to test drive the higher trim Prime here, which was a mess because I got stuck waiting for a train for the majority of it, plus I wasn't able to test what the sound system for the base model would have been like, I really hope its not a treble machine. My limited experience test driving it though was great, it felt like a normal car. I remember trying a Prius back in 05 and it felt like how Teslas feel now to me, the brake pedal is very light to the touch, but that's just my experience with it. It's peppy enough when it needs to be, and that's all that I would expect from this type of car.

    I'm sort of mind blown that only recently it became a 5 seater, that might've been a red flag if they kept that trend up until this year.

    So, until it arrives I'm just reading up on the vehicle, I'm sad to see so little resources online for the base (aside from this community of course), most YT vids are for the higher trim, understandably so, but even from owners there's almost nothing. I am very much looking forward to casual hypermiling, and possibly getting a comma3.
    bisco likes this.
  2. JohnnyPR

    JohnnyPR Member

    Feb 4, 2021
    Hinesville, GA
    2010 Prius
    Welcome and congrats!
  3. Sgt Bill

    Sgt Bill Member

    Jul 21, 2021
    St.Louis Mo.
    2021 Prius Prime
    Welcome to chat.We bought our 2021 this April (we got the Limited) and we love it.Hope you enjoy yours as much as we enjoy ours.
    Raytheeagle likes this.
  4. dig4dirt

    dig4dirt MoonGlow

    Apr 6, 2012
    Lancaster Co PA
    2014 Prius c
    We got the '21 XLE in July this year.
    I would have picked the LE and put seat covers on, but the pickings were slim at the time.

    From reviews and reports, the Limited JBL (or whatever) speakers has not much difference.
    I personally do not even use the radio so not big deal for me.

    Yes the 5 seat option is what made us put the PP on our radar, since we have children. ( prior 19 and earlier 4 seat deal breaker)

    Reliability? well it is a Toyota. and it is a Prius. BUT it is a mechanical automobile. 'nuff said.

    As for deal making...whoo wee! I would not want to be in that position at this time, but im sure it can be done.
    If time is on your side, may want to hold out to see if cashback and other offers are available in the future...
    but then again, they may be a thing of the past as the world spins in the future.

    Good Luck on any decisions that you may make.
    IF a full EV is not practical for you (like me) then the Prius Prime is about the best you can get right now (my opinion)
  5. 0ddj0b

    0ddj0b New Member

    Oct 11, 2021
    2022 Prius Prime
    So here is the latest chapter in the saga of me trying to purchase a '22 PP

    Back when I made my acct here, I had made a deposit payment with yota for a '22 prime, I had no idea when it would arrive and neither did the dealership. I check in with my sales rep semi weekly to sort of check, or just update options on my build (body color, tint), still no firm date throughout these checks, so none was passed on to me.
    I had requested an ETA as far away, so as to plan a sale of my current daily driver to time the transition between whips as smoothly and flawlessly as possible, and the sales rep was understanding of the situation and the terms were more or less agreed upon, that: in the worst case scenario, if the shipment of cars (including mine) shows up late or suddenly overnight, I would get a grace period of holding to suddenly prep and sell my dd.

    And then the worst case scenario occurs. Not only am I no longer being guaranteed a hold of any sort, I'm being asked aggressively to finalize the sale, or I assume someone will outbid me? on a car I put a deposit on???
    I can go in and pay in full, but logistically I can't make use of, or store 2 cars. I would have figured brass would be empathetic of the situation, but I'm getting strong vibes that it's attracting eyes with deeper pockets than mine, and at the end of the day if someone is going to offer them 50+k for it, I don't completely blame them, but it is a super bummer and speaks volumes of the culture at toyota. Very disappoint.
  6. jerrymildred

    jerrymildred Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2016
    Tampa, FL
    2017 Prius
    Wait! They want your money now and then, in maybe a couple months, they'll give you your car??!! How about they do it the other way around? They give you the car and then, in maybe a couple months, you give them their money?

    I has nothing to do with Toyota, but it does speak volumes about the integrity of that dealer. A deal is a deal.
    Merkey likes this.
  7. Salamander_King

    Salamander_King Senior Member

    Nov 8, 2015
    New England
    Other Hybrid
    Welcome to PC. From what I gather, the shortage of new cars is making it a seller's market. This is not just for Toyota, but for all manufacturers. If your current car is working fine, then waiting a bit longer is the prudent thing to do. The market will turn around again. I bought three PP in the last 4 years, the newest 2021 PP in July this year, but all well below MSRS. I have never ordered a car (not just Toyota) but any new car. I always pick a car present at a dealer's lot. That way I have more bargaining power and I can always walk away from a deal.
  8. Marine Ray

    Marine Ray Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2017
    Sparks, NV
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    How much was the deposit ?
  9. 0ddj0b

    0ddj0b New Member

    Oct 11, 2021
    2022 Prius Prime
    My current car that I use for work ages out on Jan 1, so I was more or less relying that i'd have this PP by then, worst worst case scenario a week or 2 after Jan 1.
    In order to secure a spot on the "wait list" I had to pay $1000, which goes towards the purchase of the car.
    I feel like if I would've paid for it in full I still would be getting screwed over. I talked about this as an option (paying for the car in full on arrival) but decided to finance for the sake of credit, but it was not necessary.

    Thanks for the sympathy guys, I totally understand that it's a seller's market and that I'm sadly in a vulnerable situation.
    I literally spelled out all scenarios, including this one to the sales rep I was dealing with and everything was understood and agreed upon, now the dealership manager is trying to throw the sales guy under the bus by saying he dropped the ball by promising me to hold it.

    As there is extreme scarcity of stock, there is absolutely no issue with having a place to hold it (they have a huge lot of hundreds of spots but only a dozen occupied), but they are wanting for me to give them a firm date, completely forgetting that they couldn't give ME a firm date to make this transition smooth.

    I already saw the car as soon as it arrived as the sales rep called me to check it out, confirmed only 3km on the odo. I stressed that I don't want this car being used as a test drive vehicle, nor do I really want anyone else inside it aside from toyota employees. I have a strong feeling this request is not being fulfilled.

    When I put the deposit down I knew I was throwing away much of a chance at bargaining, and I was ok with that. If im going to buy something brand new I want to pick all of my desired options from the factory, I guess it's sort of nice knowing someone else will benefit from my choices.

    After visiting all the toyota dealerships in my city, I chose the one I went with because they seemed to be the friendliest and they touted themselves as the "largest" in BC, so that means they would get the "biggest delivery" compared to other dealerships, which I've now learned means absolutely nothing. Seinfeld was ahead of his times.
  10. vvillovv

    vvillovv Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    Sorry to hear about another buyer beware story. I've got a couple of big business bummers under my belt recently too. If you ever need a rental, make sure you double check BBB first. They have no mercy, nor insurance companies. The list goes on.
  11. dig4dirt

    dig4dirt MoonGlow

    Apr 6, 2012
    Lancaster Co PA
    2014 Prius c
    Is the dealer marking it up and over the options you picked out?

    If so, then I would walk away.

    If not, then I do not see any issue.
    If you do not need the monies from the sale of your current dd, then try to find a place to park it, store it etc.
    I see no issue paying full MSRP on a PP.
    Get the loan, purchase it, and drive it home...before someone else does.
    Do the math on money lost from not being able to WORK come Jan 1st.
    Then $100/mo or whatever to find a parking spot of rent a garage or friends space sound worth it to me.

    Maybe I missed something here. if so, sorry.
  12. Salamander_King

    Salamander_King Senior Member

    Nov 8, 2015
    New England
    Other Hybrid
    What happens to the Civic you are driving when the calendar turns to Jan 1? If you are driving it now, what makes it stop working comes Jan 1? I would never buy a car or house or anything large and expensive in a seller's market unless I absolutely have to buy it now and then out of necessity.
  13. 0ddj0b

    0ddj0b New Member

    Oct 11, 2021
    2022 Prius Prime
    No, and I don't think you've missed anything but my principles tell me that I shouldn't have to incur any cost because the dealer won't do simple things (by simply not advertising and making public that my car exists on the lot). This is just a non-issue, which creates stress, which shouldn't be part of the car buying experience.

    If it were a non-chip shortage era I would have been sympathetic if they needed me to rush my car off their lot if it was overflowing, but this is the opposite, and a dealer choosing to advertise a "held" car is f'ed up.

    But I'm thinking now that yeah, I should go in and pay in full or drive it off the lot asap if I want to guarantee that it won't get sold to someone else. That, plus at least knowing that it will be MSRP and not marked up, and the cost of gas in the gap of time, were I to wait for the next shipment, who knows how long that is.

    It's been radio silence from them since I spoke to them last over the phone making clear that I am not releasing the car. But I wouldn't be surprised if its already sold and driven off the lot as I type this.

    Well guys, Rav4 Hybrid?

    edit: fulltime rideshare driver, and car ages out at end of year.
    #13 0ddj0b, Nov 29, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2021
  14. jerrymildred

    jerrymildred Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2016
    Tampa, FL
    2017 Prius
    Oh! I completely misunderstood. I thought they didn't have the car yet. If they have it and you ordered it, then you'd better pay for it and take it PDQ.
    Merkey likes this.