We've got some of these plants in my family home, and i have been trying to find out what they are called. Van anyone help with identifying them, and is there any app or sort of, where I could just post the pictures of any plants or leaves I don't know their English or botanical names, and instantly, I get the names? Thank you everyone. Dxta
Many people have their location on their PC profile. That way - a response to a question that requires knowing lication can be given with better reliability. Many plants look similar - until you know where it is. .
My phone has an ID function as part of the camera, so can't help with a suggestion there. My guess for the one with the 3 lobed, pointed leaves is something in the genus Acer; a maple.
If you're viewing on a phone, turning it landscape orientation you'll (maybe) see the avatar info, location etcetera.
if image ending in 770 shows cottony seeds (not quite clear) then I suggest https://backyardnature.net/yucatan/treecott.htm Can't even guess the other two. I notice that primary veins (off the midrib) are opposite in ... 481 and alternate in ... 789. If you can get them 'to family' by some other means, that should be a useful distinction. Details of plumbing are quite consistent. Leaf shape and size can be extremely variable. Taxonomy is a complicated topic and I am far from expert. Many useful characteristics are of flower, seed, bark or sap, so photos of leaves are often not enough. == If you can visit a local botanical garden or university, bring samples (including other material than leaves) in 3 separate bags. In a fourth bag bring a bribe - box of cookies or whatever. Then the hunt is on for someone who works with local 'stuff'.
There are a lot of apps, but I am not sure if it works internationally. Try this link. https://www.hortibiz.com/newsitem/news/9-best-plant-identification-app-choices-of-2020/ The leaves of the first photo look like a fig tree. The second leaves with three points do look like maple, but not sure if maple grows in your region. The third one looks more tropical, my guess is African peach (Sarcocephalus sp.)? In order to identify plants, you will need to collect more information, leaves, flower, fruits all need to be examined.