2010 Prius IV. I did a couple of searches to avoid making a new thread. Could not find this. So I had the dreaded water pump code and check hybrid system last week. I ordered the pump and and waiting on it but today I tried to start the car and all the lights on the dash came on, no engine start, power went out/died. Then eventually it did start. I think something is draining the battery. I hear a kinda of whining buzzing for about 5 seconds that wands down and stops. Then in about 2-3 seconds starts again. I'm thinking it's that self test but cause the pump is crap just keeps going but I'm just making a none mechanic presumption as I do not know very much at all about the cars possible issues. It's been great the past years till recently at about 100K. Water pump dying is pretty premature and the engine burns through oil like 5 quarts every 6- 7 months.
Same crap, different pump. That's the one for the brake system. In a 2010, there are two parts involved. The sound you are hearing comes from the bottom part (where the pump is), but the reason it's running so often can be in either part. A good thing about it running as often as it is in your video is that whichever part is leaking down in between pump cycles is probably making a hiss you could plainly hear by touching it with a mechanics' stethoscope.
Sheesh I had this noise a couple of years ago lol. So I gather what ever part it is it's been failing a for a while. Well Tues I install the water cooler pump. Then I can focus on this. Thank you very much.
I'm reading there is or will be a recall on this or these parts? I hope so cause damn they are not cheap.
there was an extended warranty, but i think it's over. you can call toyota, or log onto toyota.com/owners
It is normal to have the pump noise. What's not normal is to have it so often. Normal is, like, once every few times you use the brakes. If you're not touching the brakes, you should be able to finish short books in the time before it runs again.
I read something where some one with more miles on the car than mine got it replaced free by the dealer not too long ago but you have to wait for it to fail. Yeah I'll call.
i think the extended warranty was 10 years, unlimited miles, but i could be misremembering. if they deny you, call toyota and ask for goodwill warranty
I think the warranty covered parts even if there was no actual problem noticed. there is a fancy decision tree in the documents I'm attaching, which shows how the service tech chose what parts to replace. since you are in CA, might be able to qualify for the work, but I doubt it - unless you complain loudly. Call Toyota too, to see if if its ever been done anyway on the car. they might have done it for you or PO, during a regular maintenance. I actually forgot they did my work in 2013 and called them, only to have them tell me it was already done. REGARDING THE OIL CONSUMPTION. a few questions for you: 1. what type of oil have you used? 2. what has been your oil change interval? Always change filter too? 3. what mileage did the excess consumption start? 4. has car been in CA/LA (hot climate) its whole life? 5. What is driving mix: highway/city? 6. you mention 5 quarts in X months. how many actual miles driven in that time? Also, if you want to keep the car, you have the brake issue to deal with, the oil consumption, and probably a dirty egr circuit, which should be cleaned out. Without cleaning that, the car will probably go downhill fast with excess oil burn. I'm not yet sure how effective an oil catch can is, but that could be looked into as well. I have installed one, but its not too efficient in catching oil.